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So much to do, so little time.

Posted by u k sandra on Thursday, April 22, 2010

 I think it`s time I updated my blog ( I love that word ). I`ve been meaning to do it for ages but there never seems enough time. I`m sure that as you get older, the days become shorter and no longer have 24 hours.There is just so much to do at this time of the year. Gardeners will know the feeling. After such a bad and long winter, we are running around like mad things trying to get everything done that should have been done a month ago. Now the night are getting lighter, its after 9 when I get to sit down. Thats when the last job of the day, locking the hens up for the night, is done.                                                                       The good news is, after taking a full term of beginner fiddle lessons, I`m no longer a beginner. We are now Fresh New Fiddles. I only started them because my other half ( he who would like to be obeyed ) wanted to learn the fiddle and wouldn`t go by himself. He lasted three weeks. I love it. We started learning `South Australia` last night. In Tuesday nights band class, we`re learning `Red Haired Boy`. Life is fun but I still wish there was more hours in the day.

6 comments on “So much to do, so little time.”

TopCat Says:
Friday, April 23, 2010 @6:22:37 AM

Excellent news, Sandra. I acquired a fiddle at Sore Fingers but it was confiscated by my other half when I got home (for himself). I am quite happy so long as he plays it -might be his instrument? I'm also busy clearing up the garden and planting in some new shrubs today - in fact I am going to drag myself outside now and get on with it.

Jane C Says:
Sunday, April 25, 2010 @2:17:24 PM

It rained here today, a lot, so happily I excused myself of the gardening and practised instead. Life does pick up speed doesn't it?

saphine Says:
Sunday, August 15, 2010 @2:15:52 AM

Hi Sandra
I missed you ate Guildtown. I know you said you wouldn't be coming but I always travel with hope in my heart!
I have acquired a fiddle also, primarily because it's such a pretty deep aubergine colour. I'm going to have some lessons to see if I can learn to play, if I still sound like I'm killing a haggis with a blunt knife I'll probably sell or trade for a mandolin.
My back garden has been wrecked by my chickens and duck, as planned tho, I knew they would get rid of the moss. I have some fairly lush grass and major bald patches so It's a day of filling in holes, raking over and sprinkling of grass seed. I moved the girls ( birds not children!) around to the side section of house and need to spend a good few hours clearing the fallen leaves, power-washing the many many paving slabs to make it look halfway decent. I started it yesterday and ended up covered in sludgy debris from head to toe. My daughter had to power wash me down before I could get in the house. What a hoot!

saphine Says:
Sunday, August 15, 2010 @2:17:23 AM

At..I mis-typed.. at at at at Guldtown. Sorry

u k sandra Says:
Sunday, August 15, 2010 @2:39:23 AM

Hi Elizabeth, its good to hear from you. I really missed Guildtown. I`m pleased you mis-typed. My backside`s quite big enough without eating Guildtown. I too have one of those fiddles but mine`s purple. I think we both must be a bit mad. I know what you mean about the garden. I have seven ducks as well as the hens and they can mess for England ( or Scotland ). A few weeks ago I saw a big pump on ebay and thought, the very thing for cleaning the pond out so I bought it. I couldn`t get it to work so I thought I`d try it without the hose just to make sure it was working. Oh it was. I bent down over the pond and lowered it into the water and it made a strange gurgling sound and then shot the water up into the air and straight down on top of me. I was covered in mud and duck crap and just to make things a little bit worse, the allotment gate opened and I got visitors, all done up in their Sunday best. Oh the joys of keeping animals. We know we wouldn`t change it for the world. Have fun. I`ll be thinking of you.
Take care,

Bart McNeil Says:
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 @11:28:57 AM

Now you know what the phrase "priming the pump" means.

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