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I've been at the banjo since July and although my banjo instructor says I am making great strides, I am realizing that learning to play an instrument is pretty darn hard! I know I do not practice as much as I need to, but I would have thought that after 10 months, I'd have a few songs down that I could play by memory. Not so.
I have learned to identify my banjo being out of tune, by ear now, and not just by my tuner, so that's a start. And can do chord changes fairly well now as well. But the songs! That's what I want.
Well, I better get back to practicing. It'll come!
3 comments on “Learning is Harder than I thought!”
sharakeet Says:
Wednesday, April 14, 2010 @4:51:14 PM
yep, it'll come...
funny thing is the slower you practice, the better sound you'll make, and the sooner, by far, that you'll be playing twenty five tunes at top speed!
Playing from memory get's much easier the more time you put into it. Start memorizing first the chord progressions, and then the rolls as written within each one. Work towards taking your eyes off the tab and being able to "see" the rolls for each chord. Then, you're home free.
In a couple more years, you will start to realize just how to select rolls of your own to accommodate the melody, changing the memorized piece into something of your own! That's when the WORK is nearly done and the fun gets HUGE!
racer Says:
Thursday, April 15, 2010 @4:27:05 AM
i am at the stage you are at i am teaching my self i watch other players and i pick up a lot i try a min of one hour a day its comeing together your almost there play slow it seems to be the answer speed comes later sharakeet is correct you have to train your mind it takes a little time ron
iceburg Says:
Thursday, April 15, 2010 @5:36:25 AM
Thanks Sharakeet and Racer for the words of encouragement.
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