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This is a little bit odd. Since they (whoever THEY are) began keeping records of this sort of factoid, this is the FIRST AND ONLY March on record in Minnesota with NO SNOW..! EVER..! It's about 25 degrees above the average temperature too. But as my neighbor remeinded me the other day as we discussed this strange and unexpected thing over the back yard fence, April is the cruelest of the months up here. I'll rant and complain if and when that proves true. But for now....WOO HOOOO...!!!!!!!
Tedd Says:
Thursday, April 1, 2010 @8:06:43 AM
It was 71F in Duluth yesterday...This is the kind of anomally I can live with. Watch, we'll have snow at the June festival....I remember last year wearing every stitch of clothing I had while picking on Old Washing Machine Hill with the Whistlepigs.
racer Says:
Thursday, April 1, 2010 @11:12:43 AM
hi same here in canada in all my time its never been this warm 70 right now there should be a lot of snow now farmers up this way are hurting no snow no water so it may be a bad year but it does snow in may sometimes in june but i will take all i can of this ron
Yellowhouseroad Says:
Thursday, April 1, 2010 @1:54:07 PM
Same here in Wisconsin. Temperatures up in the 70s!!! LOVE IT!!!!
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