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Posted by Pepper Laing on Tuesday, March 16, 2010
I`m really reaching the end of my rope in dealing with some people on here, I did write more but waited and thought better, so edited what I really wanna say, for now anyway!
If you don`t care read another blog I never asked you!!
2 comments on “End Of My Rope!”
RatLer Says:
Tuesday, March 16, 2010 @6:11:51 AM
At least you had enough control to not just hit the "post buton" before you re-thought what ever it was...it'd be nice if others would do the same!! Sometimes its just not worth the respnce :-)
"Some folks are like "Slinkies"...not good for much, but they bring a smile when you push 'em down the stairs... ":-0
Pepper Laing Says:
Tuesday, March 16, 2010 @6:16:02 AM
lol Slinky, I like that.
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