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What a Year!

Posted by nechville on Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hello Friends, I left my ding vs dong blog up long enough to get some amusing comments, thanks for that. I still think there needs to be a dictionary of approved banjo terminology. Besides words used to describe banjo sound, I'd be adding Necvillisms like Flux capacitor, Tone Spheres, Cyclotronic Tone ring, Open architecture, Helical mounting, Compound radius, Quick-cam neck mount. Regardless if the world ever catches on to what Nechville is offering, I'd finally say that we have actually gained a foothold in the banjo market. I think the high end banjo market is so small right now that you might call it a smattering of banjo buyers across the world, nevertheless, Those few buyers have boatloads of regular old banjos, What they don't have is what they really need, which is a great sounding, easy to play banjo that weighs less. Our unique approach to banjo design has opened the door for you to join in the adventure of discovering new tones, or old tones in new ways. Our message has been slowly wafting out for over 20 years, and those banjo dogs with the best noses are now starting to scratch at the door. Not only are Helimount sales up, but so are Electric banjos. We are seeing repeat cusrtomers coming back for new lightweight tone components, and upgrading their necks to deluxe radiused ones. We've never had a better year, and in an economy  this slow, we must be doing something right. Well I know what it is, My employees and associates are the greatest, most loyal, and caring people I know. They all give 100% and they all genuinely want the company to succeed. I think they all feel a part of this thing I started, which is the story of an unlikely idea that is amazing to see grow.

4 comments on “What a Year!” Says:
Saturday, March 13, 2010 @8:12:03 AM

Hey Tom, congratulations on your successes! You make beautiful and amazing-sounding instruments... keep up the good work!

racer Says:
Saturday, March 13, 2010 @8:38:01 AM

hi i think she might want a deal she said she has been saveing up another customer comeing your way you must be doing something right keep up the good work ron

Yellowhouseroad Says:
Saturday, March 13, 2010 @9:21:20 AM

I hope you never ever stop making your amazing banjos.

Jim D Says:
Sunday, March 14, 2010 @10:29:14 AM

Tom, I'm really pleased to see your company's success. The banjo world has benefited immensely from your innovative approach to banjo engineering and construction... even those, like me, who haven't owned a Nechville.

For the little bit it's worth, for me, a Nechville Atlas is the Porsche of banjos... I may never have one, but if/when I can, I will.

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