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Posted by Pepper Laing on Sunday, February 21, 2010
In about one month I will be getting my 1st pre war gibson, although it`s a conversion. I`m excited to see, hear and play it. It`s a mid 30`s TB1 with a huber ring and a 30 year old conversion neck, not sure who did the neck. All wood, and metal parts and resonator are original. This will be my get in the game pre war and it`s supposed to be a great playing and sounding banjo, with loads of character. It is coming with the original tenor neck as well. The banjo has been played and set up by Jim Mills, whom I`m buying it from. Can`t wait!
2 comments on “1 month til pre war!”
joemac Says:
Sunday, February 21, 2010 @11:38:17 AM
WOW, way ta go Pepper........great news, good luck with it all mate, she will become your best friend EVER!!!
NMD Says:
Sunday, February 21, 2010 @1:39:24 PM
You LUCKY DOG! And from Jim Mills to boot! It'll be a dream to play!
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