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Posted by banjowannabe on Sunday, January 31, 2010
So now my Gold Tone has the SMP pickup in it, and it can do a lot of different things with a little echo, a little chorus flange, or some phaser added. However, the pickup does mess with a true banjo sound, in that the head doesn't vibrate as well, at least the way I have it set up. So I need a new banjo for acoustic use. This has caused a lot of eye-rolling at my house. Sort of gets the same response that comments about a fishing boat and a new canoe get. My spousal unit thinks it would be better if we paid off the mortgage or got new flooring in the kitchen or put a sun room on the back of the house. Hmmm. Guess I'll go buy a lottery ticket.
TexomaBanjo Says:
Monday, March 15, 2010 @9:33:23 PM
Electric can be fun, it adds another dimension to banjo. I have a Blue Star Banjoblaster (made in Paw Paw MI) that I play thru a Line6 modeling amp w/chorus, flange, etc. I also enjoyed a phase shifter until it broke. If boredom or frustration strikes, switch to electric and try something new!
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