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I sat in with Guilderoy Byrne, a Louisville Celtic group, on Saturday night at the Blue River Cafe in Millton, IN. To be fair, Greg Byrne, the group's leader is a buddy of mine, and the fiddler, Mark Cannon, leads the Monday contra dance volunteer band that I sit in. Their regular fiddler was out of town, so Greg asked me to sit in and play a few tunes with them. Mostly Celtic tunes and a few old-time dance tunes that we also play at the contra dances, but it was a fun time.
They seemed happy with how it went, though I was a bit more self-critical. Nothing new there. A side benefit is that I got a start on a few new Celtic tunes, so I have several more tunes to work on now. I also have a renewed commitment to playing jigs better than I do right now. Jogs are not natural to clawhammer playing. In fact, a few people claim that clawhammer players shouldn't attempt jigs. I can understand that position because they do not fall naturally under my fingers. But we do play at least one pair of jigs at every contra dance, so I need to improve my skills in that area.
1 comment on “Played Celtic Last Night”
twayneking Says:
Thursday, January 28, 2010 @6:04:23 AM
Jig on.....
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