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Please pass the JAM

Posted by poortater on Tuesday, January 5, 2010


The closest place I know of to jam oldtime with folks in 5 1/2 hours north. I love going up and jamming but its not viable with my schedule. I never thought it would be so hard finding jams or folks of like-minded musical taste in  southern WEST VIRGINIA. I mean, really, I'm in the almost dead center of appalcahia. Now if I wanted to go pickin' and grinnin' I could grab my mando and hop on out to play every stanley brothers tune known to man, of course I would need to know my part and play every break in the right spot in the right key and not imbelish too far from the original (then again maybe I'm just a bit jaded). Heck, I'd be happy just finding a fiddle player to jam tunes with.  Oh well, at least I have a great banjo,  5 Mary z. Cox cds, dozens of field recordings and a comfy chair at home just waiting for me to sit down and practice. Things could be worse. I could be an upright bass player.

5 comments on “Please pass the JAM”

Banjov1 Says:
Tuesday, January 5, 2010 @8:05:26 PM

How bout this one... more like an hour and a half away -

PruchaLegend Says:
Tuesday, January 5, 2010 @9:23:25 PM

Good luck! I hope you find a jamming partner. I can't help as I'm in Arizona.

Moonpie50 Says:
Tuesday, January 5, 2010 @9:48:53 PM

Hey whats wrong with being an upright bass player lol!

Rizo Says:
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 @7:34:57 AM

Where's the jam you currently go to?

poortater Says:
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 @4:58:59 PM

Romney, WV is where most of the folks I love to jam with are. They have several jams every year but its hard for me to get there more than once or twice a year. My only salvation is CLIFFTOP! Appalachian String Band Festival in WV. A week of nothing but JAMS.

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