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Posted by Greg Connor on Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas 2009 Blizzard
Duluth MN
With Original Music
"Three Months of Winter To Go"
15 comments on “Christmas 2009 Blizzard / Duluth MN”
dpete210 Says:
Friday, December 25, 2009 @3:23:33 PM
Greg, nice job! You've been busy doing the same thing as I have been doing. So far my back and snowblower have held up. This snow is really wet and heavy! Just think in a few months it'll all be water! ;) :)
dpete210 Says:
Friday, December 25, 2009 @3:23:47 PM
I forgot, Merry Christmas!
kcjc69 Says:
Friday, December 25, 2009 @3:49:11 PM
Merry Christmas my friend good to see your keeping yourself occupied. :)
Perfect video for that tune. We've got nothing on the ground again just the cold...
Friday, December 25, 2009 @4:22:56 PM
Merry, Merry,you are on replay so's the california types can see what all the fuss is about. Nice snow storm
mainejohn Says:
Friday, December 25, 2009 @4:56:23 PM
Nice tune, but your snowblower looks more suited to say, MO instead of MN. Looks like my front yard and driveway much of the winter.
From Greylock to Bean Blossom Says:
Saturday, December 26, 2009 @2:24:12 AM
Greg, Great job as usual. I grew up just south of Vermont in the Berkshires. As a kid when it snowed I had to shovel 3-5 driveways. This show (in a chilling fashion) reminds me why I left. Thanks for the very nice view and the good Christmas wishes. Merry Christmas to you a day late.
Guy Says:
Saturday, December 26, 2009 @4:57:35 AM
Nice one Greg! These days an inch or so of snow is all it takes to bring the UK to a total standstill. This last week saw people stuck in their cars for 17 hours and many cars just simply abandoned for two days or more because we had 4-6 inches of snow. Schools shut, airports shut, rail networks fail, we even had people stuck in the Channel tunnel for 17 hours and the news networks are full of it.
Nice to see people just getting on with it and being cheerful enough to write a song about it. One more thing, I don't think I could get my wife to shift all the snow while I did the videoing. LOL
Merry Christmas
Tedd Says:
Saturday, December 26, 2009 @9:26:12 AM
Merry Christmas, Greg. I haven't gotten home from the Cities yet....later today. I'll be blowing snow in the dark tonight. I'm pretty sure I won't be writing any songs about it.lol.
frailin Says:
Sunday, December 27, 2009 @1:18:38 PM
Ha! I love it!!
Ottawa Says:
Sunday, December 27, 2009 @7:12:16 PM
Great vid, Greg! Hope you and your family are having a wonderful holiday. Looking forward to seeing that your musical New Year's Resolutions are for 2010!
Koala_in_pjs Says:
Sunday, December 27, 2009 @10:41:16 PM
Beautiful song Greg and the clip you've made suits it perfectly.
peghead59 Says:
Monday, December 28, 2009 @1:30:26 AM
That snow blower looks great. I don't think we have them over here in the UK. Never seen one anyway. I just want lots of snow now so I can go and get one.
Kemo Sabe Says:
Thursday, December 31, 2009 @2:41:48 PM
That's a great video Greg. My wife and I enjoyed watching you guys having all that fun. I think we had maybe two inches of snow here in Katy, Tx a few weeks back and before that it might have been 3 or 4 years since we have seen any snow. Keep up the good work - song writing, playing multiple instruments, singing, editing, video work and shoveling snow! Happy New Year.
klgera Says:
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 @11:11:09 AM
Great video, btw, what's the secret to getting your wife to help?? (Promise her she'll be in a video?)
My Golden Says:
Saturday, January 23, 2010 @10:38:28 PM
A Big ol' Howdy to ya! And another heartwarming down to earth original song. WOW! You all do get the snow! We only got 2-4" and the fellas got their tractors with front blades out. Ha! How long did it take you & wife to scrape off your driveway? Keep up those wonderful tunes!
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