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Posted by Mr. Quimby on Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Life wasn't going so well this past fall. Things were up in the air with my apartment, I was in a walking cast and thinking I would need to have surgery, and George (my horse) was having serious allergy problems.
So I decided to send him away for the winter. I emailed Earlham College and asked them if they'd like to use him in their lesson program, and they said yes.
It was a good decision. I was able to figure things out with my living situation and my foot has been somewhat better and a few months without having to pay for his board has helped me out financially.
The thing is, I've been afraid when the school year was over and I needed to bring him back that I would end up stuck with a huge board bill each month. I've appreciated the financial flexibility I've had in the months he's been gone. So I've been trying to think if there was an alternative. Well, my boss at my second job suggested that a friend of hers might be able to use him for lessons in exchange for free board. So I emailed her and it sounds like it's all going to work out.
This place is pretty far away, so I won't be able to see him that much, but I'm comfortable with the thought that he'll be getting used, so he'll be getting exercise. And I know a bunch of the people who work/ride at this barn, so I'm comfortable with the care and attention he'll get even when I'm not there. And I'm certainly not going to argue with free board!
So my baby's coming home! I'm so excited.
Of course, now I have to figure out how to get him back here. Details....
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