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Feeling Fiesty today!

Posted by Pepper Laing on Sunday, December 20, 2009

Woke up this morning and started checking out the hangout and found that I`m feeling very fiesty, ornery, today, can`t help but poke my nose into some threads with my 2 cents where I probably wouldn`t otherwise. Sorry if I may stir the pot today. lol  On another note I just orderd a new Katz Eye Bridge. I made a mistake tho and measured wrong. The ruler I used when stood up against the bridge said 1/2" but I failed to realize that there is an extra 8th of an inch at the bottom of the ruler, before it starts to read the measurement. I`m to use to a tape measure, which reads right at the end. I e-mail member Mike smith who makes the bridges and caught him in time to make the change, whew!  It`s a 5/8 standard Katz Eye, wide, with Ebony top, crowe spaced, and pegged. I can`t wait to try it out.  I also ordered some more Perfect Touch finger picks like the ones I have been using for a year now, and some Perfect Touch picks in brass with a flat face instead of the round nickle I have.  Also some American banjo company crygenic strings for my string test. That`s my x-mas present to myself for this year. Have a great holiday season!

1 comment on “Feeling Fiesty today!”

jimbowe Says:
Sunday, December 20, 2009 @4:52:37 PM

Mr Laing,

Don't worry about fiesty, ornery and any other personal traits. I always enjoy your insight!

Good luck with the cold strings. . . must be fitting for a man who lives way up North.



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