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Posted by Pepper Laing on Friday, December 11, 2009
My band just got asked to play a couple of shows next summer for a local railroad company "The Prairie Dog Central" This historic steam train runs from Winnipeg to Warren mb, during the summer and fall months and they put on a show "The Great Train Robbery" and asked us to play when the train arrives at the station in Warren. This is cool and has extra meaning to me because this very train when I was a kid, use to run from my home town of Carman mb, (2500 people) to an even smaller town called Roseisle and I rode it many times as a young boy. When that old steam train would roll into town we`d run out and put pennies on the track so she could flatten them out. I wrote a song about this years and years ago, called Prairie Dog Special, which you can find a live version in my music section. Years later the train started runnig out of Winnipeg to Grosse Isle mb, where my wifes grand parents live, and she and her brother use to do the same thing, put pennis on the track. Funny how life comes around.,
1 comment on “Prairie Dog Central”
LParker Says:
Friday, December 11, 2009 @5:08:51 PM
I've been on that train as well. Very cool
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