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Bad Drivers

Posted by Budedm on Friday, March 9, 2007

People that bob and weave through heavy traffic are idiots. They try their darndest to get up through the traffic as fast as they can, putting everyone else at risk. If they want to risk their own life, that's one thing, but don't put everyone else at risk just because you want to be an idiot. So they weave and cut people off, and after 10 minutes of this, they are 10 cars ahead of you. And then they get off the same exit as you and there they are sitting next to you at the traffic light. Now, does THAT make it worthwhile? But yet, they will do it all again the next day.

1 comment on “Bad Drivers”

Kevin G Says:
Friday, March 9, 2007 @9:06:33 PM

Sounds like Carowinds Blvd, Bud. I go there once a month. It's getting more and more like Chicago every day down there. When I'm in Charlotte and listen to the traffic reports on my way into the office, it amazes me that so much stuff can happen between 4:30 and 5:30 pm. Then I hit the road myself and see why.

But at least it's warm.  So when you catch up to the offender, you can roll down your window and just smile.



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