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Same tune, different rolls

Posted by tombrien on Thursday, March 8, 2007

I've started using different rolls for the tunes  I've learned so far. It has helped me greatly to use a roll other than what was written in the tabs I have, and gives the tune a different feel, so to speak. Some of the tunes I have just made up fills, or rolls of my own when I play so that it sounds good using the particular roll I'm using in the tune. Also I have been using several different rolls sometimes so that the tune doesn't sound too boring.

1 comment on “Same tune, different rolls”

Paul Bock Says:
Thursday, March 8, 2007 @7:58:39 PM

Tom, that's terrific!  The more you are able to improvise the more comfortable you'll become with the instrument.  This will help enable you to "jump in" at a jam and play a break on a song you've never really practiced before, and ultimately to work out your own arrangements as you learn new songs.  Bluegrass is a lot like jazz in that regard so don't depend on being "paper-trained."   :-)

     Just remember, though, that you need to learn all of the basic rolls so that they become second-nature to you.  Don't use "improvisation" as an excuse to not practice the harder patterns!

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