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String change test

Posted by Pepper Laing on Monday, November 2, 2009

I posted this in the banjo set-up repair forum as well. There has been alot of discussion and varied opinion, which is good about how often to change strings and the difference in one brand of string to the next. I`am gonna do a test. I will get my hands on as many sets of strings as I can, all the same guage. I will keep my banjo set-up the same (last set-up by Charlie Cushman) I will make sure with my drum dial that the head tension is exactly the same. I will record some banjo using the strings I`ve had on for over 6 months now, and have been played 2-8hrs a day, 2-5 times a month at live gigs, at 3 different outdoor festivals this summer, and twice a week rehearsals with the band. I will record with the other new sets, I will change out one or 2 strings on the old set, I will mix various sets with one another and see if you can tell the difference. I myself am a skeptic and if I`m proved wrong so be it. I have no affiliation with any string company. If you feel like you want to help out on this test and can help me out with some strings it would be greatly appreciated. Where I live the string selection is very limited. If there are any string companies, builders, etc... who believe there brand will stand out and are up for this please feel free to contact me and help by sending strings to test, STEP UP and lets see.  I will write about this test and the results in our Bluegrass association magazine "The Dill Pickle Rag" and will post results here too. Let me know if you can help or your thoughts on this. This is gonna be fun!

3 comments on “String change test”

twayneking Says:
Monday, November 2, 2009 @8:08:41 AM

I like those strings that they freeze first.

I'm just sayin'

Tom King

Pepper Laing Says:
Monday, November 2, 2009 @9:01:04 AM

I guess those are the Cryogenic? I`ll be trying those as well.

saphine Says:
Monday, November 2, 2009 @3:14:19 PM

I'll be very interested in your views, I keep getting conflicting advice and have chosen not to change my strings meantime. Been on since April 2-6 hours practice everyday and 1 birthday (4 songs only) and I thinks they sound just fine....

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