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Double Drone Banjola Construction is begun

Posted by Jonnycake White on Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I am laying aside my current banjo project (the Kirtland banjo) for a while to concentrate on building a banjola or two.  This is a banjo neck on a mandola body.  Except in this case, it's a little different from a banjo neck.  The 5th string will be extended to the peghead and doubled.  The two strings will probably be tuned a 5th apart - but provided with railroad spike capos at 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 12th frets so that any combination of notes may be used for the drone.  I have bumped this up to top priority because there is a chance that I will be playing it with my daughters this coming spring at a Renaissance Fair.  So naturally I have to have it finished before then.  I am building two of each of the main wood parts - just in case one gets screwed up badly.  So far I have two tops and two backs joined.  If they don't get screwed up, I'll have a good jump on a second instrument - which will probably be the same but with a longer neck and heavier strings to be more of an accompaniment instrument.

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