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Check out my site redesign

Posted by banjopaul67 on Monday, September 14, 2009

Hey gang,

How's your summer winding up? I hope all is well. I spent the last couple of days redesigning my Banjos Rule! website and just thought I'd let you know. I'm hoping you'll take a look and tell me what you think.

I blogged about the experience I had in learning the song Knee Deep In Bluegrass in a 4-part blog post over at My Banjo Life, and I'm happy to say that my week's worth of concentrated effort really paid off for me (I blogged about learning the song over about an 8 or 9 day period). I more or less had a new, jam-session ready song in the bag in about a week thanks to having to be accountable to my blog readers who were waiting on each installment. Since then I've brushed up on Alabama Jubilee, and I've gotten out Yackety-Sax. I had Yackety-Sax partially learned several months ago but gave up on isn't Scrugg's style and it's tough for me. Well, the majority is Scrugg's style but there's enough other stuff in there that I struggle some. However, thanks to my new concentrated effort on this's coming! Can't wait until it's jam-session ready.

Got any good banjo jokes? Can I entice you to visit Banjos Rule! and leave one or two on the site? Just click the jokes item in the menu bar.

I hope everyone has a good week and a great fall. If you are interested, you can follow me on twitter at, and on Facebook at Take care and stay in touch. Pick 'em if ya got 'em!

"Banjo Paul" Pope
"Wunse, I coodn't even spel bango I are one!" (main site) (blog)

1 comment on “Check out my site redesign”

joemac Says:
Monday, September 14, 2009 @1:27:48 AM

good site Paul, i use it a lot.......Joe

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