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Frustration and wood floors

Posted by kyblugrass on Wednesday, September 9, 2009

This past weekend me and the wife finally got around to installing new flooring, a beautiful tongue in groove Brazilian Cherry.  Now to the frustration part of it, I was setting a piece and was using a 24oz dead blow hammer.  The wife needed to tend to a phone call and I was anxious to get finished so I pressed on. So I was trying to watch the end that was seating and the end I was whacking, which I found out is impossible to do. I landed a blow on my left middle finger. The dead blow, being kinda soft anyway, didn’t do anything to the nail side, but the wood sure did a number on the pad side.  Didn’t get stitches, but should have according to my RN wife.  But I couldn’t stand leaving the floor half done and spending hours waiting to get a few stitches. Anyway, I won’t go into a description of what it looks like, just suffice it will be at least a month before I’m able to fret a string again. I know I will try to early and utter some choice words when it won’t work.

3 comments on “Frustration and wood floors”

PruchaLegend Says:
Wednesday, September 9, 2009 @1:46:34 PM

Unless it hurts too much to just hold your banjo, I'd recommend trying to play it without using your middle finger. I did the same thing to my index finger quite a few years ago. I actually hit it five times but that's another story. Not being able to make chords using my index finger I found I could still make three finger chords with my other fingers. Then since I could still bar with my injured index finger, I found I could make full chords. Before that, I rarely could hit a full chord.
Just a suggestion. Never can tell what you may find out.

gypsygirl Says:
Monday, September 14, 2009 @1:53:53 AM

first rule... always always always listen to your wife:) ( especially if she's a nurse like me)!

jahenbo Says:
Sunday, September 20, 2009 @1:21:58 PM

Scott, my wife is a nurse too and man I feel your pain. Just joking love my wife like crazy. But I still feel your pain. Seems I can't do anything around the house without hurting me. I would try Legends advice though, you never know you might find you can play just as well. Anyway good luck and I hope the floor came out nice. I have flooring in my future to. Next week its remodeling the master closet. Good luck Jay

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