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Posted by Greg Connor on Saturday, August 29, 2009
Duluth Minnesota Sailing. Background music features Openback Banjo, Irish Whistle, Guitar and Bass.
4 comments on “Ride to the Finish / Video using Openback Banjo”
kcjc69 Says:
Saturday, August 29, 2009 @5:41:59 AM
Nice instrumental Greg. The irish whistle is the perfect touch to give the listener the feeling they are the ones out there sailing. Keep them coming my friend.
Tedd Says:
Saturday, August 29, 2009 @7:46:08 AM
Ahhh, Wednesday evening in Duluth. I love the sight of the boats leaving the harbor as I travel down Thompson Hill on the way to jam at Sir Benedict's Tavern. Nice job, Greg.
Saturday, August 29, 2009 @3:52:02 PM
Sure saw us all on that little 19 footer in front of that "Iron Boat "at the beginning of the video. Then I heard the music and thought ; " NIce of Rita and Greg to take us out on the Bay for a gin and tonic and a little turn around . Great, Take Care Guys V @ S..................................Elwood
Ottawa Says:
Saturday, August 29, 2009 @6:10:52 PM
Greg, a good rich tune. The whistle does add to that nautical feel. I bought one of those in Halifax a few years back but just haven't found the time. The song slips along like those boats on the water. It is a real sentimental piece. Good job. Your fan, Steven.
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