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Posted by u k sandra on Sunday, August 23, 2009
Well, Guildtown has come and gone for another year. We met a lot of old friends there and made some new ones. I got to meet Saphine ( Elizabeth ) who`s really nice and very keen. Elizabeth, if you`re reading this, has the birthday do been on yet or is it still to come?. I also got to meet Boog from Canada. A lovely giant of a man.I didn`t get to hear him play but my brother-in-law did and he said he was amazing. It was nice to see Possum Picker ( Mark ) again and Banjo Brunette and TJ1. It wouldn`t be the same without them. The weather was better than usual and a good weekend was had by all. Its 10 months since I last wrote. Where has the time gone. Then I had seven hens, six, because my lovely Big Ginger turned out to be a very loud cockerel and had to go back to where we got him from. I still miss him. We saw him at a country show a few weeks ago and when I spoke to him he dashed across the cage, chattering away to himself and tried to give me his dandelion leaf. I wanted to fetch him home. We then got three ex battery hens, no feathers but heaps of character. We are now waiting for another rescue so that we can get another four. We said we wouldn`t get any more dogs after our last two died. Three weeks ago we saw a dog in a rescue kennels near us that looked so sad we just had to go and get him. He`s a lurcher or if you`re really in the know, a longdog. When we looked in the kennel, he went to the back and tried to hide, not easy when you`re a deerhound/greyhound cross. He was terrified of everything. He still shakes with fright when he sees a man with a baseball cap on. The only ones he`s not frightened of are children who for some reason he loves. He had never been in a house before and spent the first five days curled up at the back door with his head through the cat flap. He`s come on wonderfully in the last three weeks. He still gets a bit stressed at strange noises and if anybody lifts their arm up quickly, he crouches down and shakes and he still won`t come into the centre of the living room but he now stretches out and sleeps on his bed, something that he couldn`t do a week age. We love him to bits. He`s the most gentle dog I`ve ever known and I`ve known a lot. And he likes the banjo. Not too keen on the fiddle but we`ll get there.
8 comments on “Guildtown and a new friend”
Aonach Says:
Monday, August 24, 2009 @12:17:23 AM
I'v had my lurcher Sirius from 11 weeks -He's now 15 and slowing up . He'd been tied to a tree and left when some travellers moved on-I found him and the rest is history as they say!-He's been a constant source of joy and mischief and I love him. Sirius is his name-The Dog star... Good luck with your new friend too-Sounds like you know how to make a dog enjoy life again....Andy
TopCat Says:
Monday, August 24, 2009 @5:16:52 AM
Nice blog and photos, Sandra. You should update more often! I was considering Guildtown but it's a long way....and then in the end we got free tickets to Cambridge Folk for the same weekend. Your new dog looks adorable - you should know that going anywhere near a rescue kennels is bound to result in acquiring a new pet. We would like to get a dog one day but it's not possible just now with us both working full time. One day. Sigh.
saphine Says:
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 @12:21:06 PM
Hi Sandra
It was a real pleasure to meet you too. I was hoping to get to the festival at the end of September to hopefuly meet up with you again but I reall have too much in my diary as it is. My birthday party was a huge success, the 2 bands I had playing were great, rock n roll and rock n blue and then there was little 'old' me playing bluegrass on the banjo, and frightened everyone by singing the song as well. I had an absolute blast and everyone is being very kind (and polite!) about my performance. Am hooked now and determined to do it again sometime.
I have had serevral large dogs in the past, Irish wolfhound and lurchers too. I love them, they are so gentle, loving and fun when they start chasing anything that moves. I work full-time so a dog is out of the question but we do have 4 hens (such such fun) 2 guinea pigs 1 normal rabbit and 1 Continental rabbit who will eventualy weigh in about 24-28lbs when he grows into his feet and ears. Will try and upload a photo for you..
Jane C Says:
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 @10:28:12 AM
What a lovely interesting blog. Sounds like you're doing the animal world a huge amount of good. Good for you,I'd love a dog but nobody's home during the day so it's not right, not yet.
u k sandra Says:
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 @2:00:37 PM
Jane, you wouldn`t want one if you knew what I was doing at 4-30 this morning. After three weeks Finn worked out what to do with a hide bone and he did it all in one go. I must teach him how to go for a pap in the yard instead of having to trail around a field in the middle of the night in my wellies and nightie because he will only go in the long grass. Its a good job that the neighbours are all as daft as we are.
Elizabeth, I`m pleased your birthday went well. I was thinking about you. I agree, hens are great fun and mine are right chatterboxs. They have something to say about everything. I wouldn`t part with them for the world. The batts are getting old and don`t lay as often as they did, but they`ll stay until they fall off their perches.( And then I`ll bury them and cry ).
stringbeaner Says:
Sunday, September 13, 2009 @2:05:20 PM
Hi, Sandra! It's good to see another rescuer doing good works. All of my animals (8) are rescues but 2. One of my favorites was Sam Bullsqueezer. He was 1/2 German Shepard (Alsation?) and 1/2 Redbone Hound. I live on top of 8,000 feet of mountain in northern New Mexico and when he went off into the pines you could hear him whooping for miles. Better than opera! He was 17.
u k sandra Says:
Sunday, September 13, 2009 @2:25:19 PM
Thanks for the coments everybody. I have a bit of an update. 8 days ago we got Finn a friend. Another rescue lurcher. Maizey. A tall blond. My husband asked if he could have a tall blond too but I`ll have to think about that. Anyway, Finn thinks she`s wonderful. He`s come on so much since we got her. Its amazing and great to watch. We wouldn`t part with them for the world. I`ll put a `photo in my `photos.
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