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Winnipeg Folk Festival

Posted by Pepper Laing on Monday, July 13, 2009

It was the Bluegrass event of the year here at The Winnipeg Folk Festival on Friday. The Del McCoury Band led a stellar bluegrass workshop with The Punch Brothers and a real cool group from North Carolina, Chatham County Line. For an hour and a half they sent the audience to Bluegrass heaven. Then later on the mainstage, Del and his boys showed winnipeg what was up!  I got to meet Del as part of an interview I set up, but some radio duffus from Toronto who wanted a station ID spoiled some of the time I was to have. It was to loud in the Media tent which was set close to the mainstage, so we walked around backstage looking for a quiet place to get the ID, there were no quiet places and he never did get it. Serves him right.   When The McCourys flew in on United Airlines Friday morning, they misplaced thier instuments!!  They had to borrow instruments from the Punch Bros for the workshop. Robbie McCoury had to play a style 7 top Tension, poor guy!  A friend of mine who builds banjos lent Robbie his custom banjo with a Dannick in her for the Mainstage show, but last minute all the gear showed up. They put on a great performance, signed some autographs backstage and then headed to the bus. I walked with them hopeing to get a bit more time as was promised, but it didn`t work out, and the radio guy still didn`t get his station ID, so he interviewed me instead.   After Del got on the bus I headed back to my cabin for the rest of the weekend, and what an excellent weekend it was!

1 comment on “Winnipeg Folk Festival”

TopCat Says:
Thursday, July 16, 2009 @3:24:55 AM

Sounds like a great event!

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