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How do you band?

Posted by Dock Jekel on Monday, June 8, 2009


Well folks, like they say, “ build a band, and they will come”! … Word is out, and now we got gigs. Uh, oh!  Three festival style events are coming up for us, “Old time days at Anderson Marsh State Park” (this weekend), then the Anderson Marsh Old- Time Bluegrass Festival (September 12th), and then the Pear Festival in Kelseyville (September 26th).  I am new to this band business, and could use some tips on how to successfully perform on stage (We plan to keep things local and fun. No touring. No grandiosities).   I have not read books and talked to folks much about this show biz stuff. I understand that being able to make some good music together is only half the story (hopefully, we got that covered, because we’ve been practicing a lot). When you are on stage, you can’t be stiff, you gots to interact, you gots to be fun with the audience… you gots to sell yourself… I think we would like to play again at these events… so, Any practical tips would be appreciated. Hey, you pros out there, and anyone else with opinions, what works best?   Should you be standing, sitting? Should you wear costumes? Little talk, more music? Should one person do the talking, or should several band members talk. How scripted vs. spontaneous should you be at the mic? Should you educate the audience about old time music?...etc.

1 comment on “How do you band?”

banjotef Says:
Monday, June 8, 2009 @7:36:17 PM

I played with some guys in a band locally for a few years.  We played mainly coffee houses and private parties.   Never any late night bar gigs. 
    LIKES:   We all loved the music.   We got along very well.   Have fun,  and the audience will have fun.  Don't get too concerned about perfection,  but be practiced and rehearsed.   Start together, and,  just as important:  end together sharply! 
    DISLIKES:   Too much chatter between EVERY song makes it drag,  and interrupts momentum.  I always liked the format of three or so good tunes in a row;,  speak to the audience,  play a few more,  have a little comic relief planeed, too. 

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