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Posted by Pepper Laing on Monday, June 8, 2009
A cool thing happened this weekend while out at my family cabin. Friday night we had a nice fire and my fiddle player Matthew Contois, my japanese banjo buddy Mitsu Sawabe and I had a fun time entertaining the family and freinds. I keep an old Lyon & Healy open back at the cabin and before I was leaving back to the city on Sunday, my 75 yr old father asked if he could take it home and fool with it. That was awesome I`ve always wanted him to try it out and although he loves to sit and listen to me play has never played any kind of instument. This will be a great thing for him to persue, as he`s long retired and can`t hardly sit still. He and my mom spen a lot of time out there at the cabin and this will keep him from getting into trouble. My dad likes to take on projects around the cabin that he should`nt. Last year in the fall he fell off a ladder, breaking 3 ribs and really messed up his shoulder. Here`s to dad and hoping the banjo will become your new best freind!
peghead59 Says:
Monday, June 8, 2009 @11:48:09 AM
That's nice Pepper. Hope he enjoys tinkering with the banjo.
dgill Says:
Monday, June 8, 2009 @5:03:47 PM
Great story and thanks for sharing it with us. I bet he will learn to enjoy being with it as much as he enjoys being with you. I wish my dad were around to enjoy the banjo with me. You are very lucky.
saphine Says:
Sunday, June 21, 2009 @10:23:57 AM
Just shows never too `mature` to learn. Thanks for sharing Pepper.
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