I had an hour or so last night to finally get some more work done directly on my Kirtland banjo (the latest one I'm building) - the engraving of the inlays. Strangely enough, and without really planning it this way, the engravings got more complex the lower I went on the neck. I started at the highest position which has an inlay - the 15th fret - which is an olive leaf, and which required a single slightly curved line. The 12th fret is three diamonds overlapping - four short straight lines to imply the overlay of the center diamond on the two side diamonds. 10th fret - a seven point start, highlighted by seven straight lines from the tips of each ray to the opposite interstice. 7th fret - two sickles, each with a little wood grain in the handles, a ferrule, and ridges along the curved blades. 5th fret - a book and quill on two stone tablets. 3rd fret - four hearts arranged in a grid, each with individual engraved vines, leaves, and/or flowers. I'll post some photos once I have the fretboard cleaned up, profiled and bound. The inlays are bone, and the engravings filled with ebony dust and super glue.
1 comment
on “Inlays engraved and filled”
twayneking Says:
Friday, May 15, 2009 @6:25:21 PM
Sounds wonderful. Mine has these little white dots.......
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