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What's up?

Posted by Jonnycake White on Sunday, May 10, 2009

It's been a couple of weeks - a busy time.

Playing-wise, I've been working on "The Year of Jubilo" in low-bass tuning on a fretless banjo.  Previously I have played it in Double-C on a fretted banjo.  I think the low-bass version might be a little easier - or not.

Building-wise, I've built a swivel base for a drill press vise I can use for doing engraving (on inlay, for example).  I did some practice engraving on scraps yesterday, and I think the swiveliing vise will be an asset.  I also shortened my graver by about an inch, which is supposed to make it more controllable. 

My seven daughters are all involved, in a greater or lesser extent, in the Utah Renaissance Faire.  They have invested in a booth and have been making, for a few months, clothing, jewelry, and other things to sell in it.  It got started this last Friday, and will run today, next Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, in the Slaterville/Mariott/Ogden area.  Their booth is called "Faire Sisters" (clever, huh?) so if you happen to go to the Faire, stop in and say hello to them.

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