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Posted by Mark Swanson on Sunday, October 29, 2006
Well, things are moving along on my new banjo neck! I have it all shaped out now, I still need to do final work there, and then the sanding...the fingerboard is all done and I'll fret that after I put it on the neck.
Before I do that I need to finish installing a Gibson-style trussrod. The old Vegas had no trussrod, but I decided to put one in this neck. It'll be adjustable at the body end. I have used the old peghead veneer from the original 4 string neck and I don't want to mess that up with a trussrod cover!
I can't wait to play this one! it'll be the first really nice banjo I've ever had. The old Slingerland Maybelle I have right now is OK, but it doesn't play as well as I want it to and rather than work on it I decided to go this route. After it's all done I'll put up some pics....back to the shop!
BConk Says:
Sunday, October 29, 2006 @3:36:08 PM
Pictures, pictures, pictures!
Glad to see that Vega found a good home :0)
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