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Chicago banjo

Posted by clio on Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Acquired an old 5string named a Chicago with no serial number or other ID. It has a lightweight bakelite (platic) resonatora attached by one screw to a wooden dowel truss rod.

Looks to me like a cheap banjo out of the 1930s; came with its original case made apparently of a material slightly stronger than cardboard.


Searchs on this site adn on the web for a Chicago brand banjo produces no hits.  Anyone know about them?

5 comments on “Chicago banjo”

Bill Rogers Says:
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 @5:57:38 PM

Sounds like a Harmony based on the plastic reso. Post some pix for a better answer.

polypipe Says:
Sunday, May 17, 2009 @8:39:16 PM

I just purchased this 5 string banjo from a yard sale. It has a chicago for the name.

DocRider Says:
Thursday, February 25, 2010 @8:17:28 PM

I have a Chicago banjo, sounds like the one you discribed

BrendanMcK Says:
Friday, April 16, 2010 @10:39:23 AM

I have one as well, bought at a pawn shop for $75. I read on a message board somewhere a few years ago that these were produced by Harmony, but I can't back that up. I'd love to find out more and share the info. People are always coming to my blog looking for it.

Art Krause Says:
Friday, May 28, 2010 @11:10:29 AM

Did you ever find out anything more on the Chicago? Did the pawn shop know what they were doing or did they sell gold for 75 bucks? I have a friend with one possibly looking to sell it - hopefully for a bit more than the shipping cost. :)

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