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Posted by Dock Jekel on Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I wonder how much money I have spent over the years playing clawhammer banjo. Lets see... 4 banjos ($2500), 40 CDs ($500), occasional lessons ($500), tuners and strings and misc ($500), Books and DVDs ($500)... I guess about $3500.
How much money have I made? Lets see...when my case was open at the farmers market ($25 in change), playing with the Konocti Fiddlers at the Kelseyville Pear Festival and the Anderson Marsh Old Time Bluegrass Festival (about $40). Getting 3rd place at the fair ($25)... I guess about $90!
Predictable line...."Playing the banjo? Priceless!"
4 comments on “Expenses...these hard times!”
jimbowe Says:
Thursday, March 12, 2009 @6:03:58 AM
Just think what it would cost for a good therapist or a truckload of beer!
RWJonesy Says:
Thursday, March 12, 2009 @6:43:50 AM
Your making out better than I ever did....... I haven't even made any money for paying gigs!!!!
banjotef Says:
Thursday, March 12, 2009 @8:35:37 AM
I passed the hat once....felt lucky just to get the HAT back!
ElGringorio Says:
Friday, March 13, 2009 @7:28:44 PM
Well, at least you're not robbing liquor stores to pay for your habit.
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