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Just having too much fun

Posted by tombrien on Tuesday, February 6, 2007

When I started this, I got myself a beginners book to learn from. So far it has concentrated on the basics. like learning chords while just strumming. Changing chords, and rolls, hammer ons, pull offs, and slides. Now I've gotten into learning some tunes banjo style. I learned an easy version of Boil Them Cabbage Down, and Cripple Creek. I just bought a new book full of bluegrass tunes, and have started to learn Boil Them Cabbage Down again, this time it has 5 breaks to it. I practiced the first version till my fingers were raw, and my fingers have toughened a bit. I can play longer sessions before fatigue and soreness sets in. This has been a real thrill for me to learn how to play the banjo, unlike any other instrument I've tried so far. I find myself dreaming banjo tunes at night, and playing them in my head during the day. I just hope I can master the things I'm learning so I can give these tunes the justice they deserve. I've found the HO to be a valuable resorce for info on just about any subject I've had a question about. I can see this is going to be a long journey, and one I'm more than ready to take.

2 comments on “Just having too much fun”

Aikipappy Says:
Tuesday, February 6, 2007 @8:24:27 PM

Welcome to the world where drool will rule. Banjo playin is great because you can pick at home and drive the family crazy or at jams where you can drive all those other guy's crazy. Just fer giggles learn blackberry blossom and play it ten times faster than the guitar players and then see how much fun you can have. Just remember if they ask you to start the tune that means you get to set the pace hahahaha.

irasmith Says:
Wednesday, February 7, 2007 @11:04:05 AM

Hi Tom,

Hi 5 to U.  I too am "Just Startin" out, like you have a few good books, and have been taking a class from a local player, he is really good at the basics. I can relate to the last part of your comments, I am working on Fire Ball Mail , as well as Big Country. Those two tunes keep rolling in my head all day long. Seems like I can't wait to get the banjo straped on to give it another try! looking forward to this time next year to see where I will be in my abilities...but for sure, in any case, having a GREAT time learning!

Pick on!

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