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Posted by Mountain Banjer Girl on Sunday, February 4, 2007
I just want to take a few minutes to reflect on how thankful I am for music. I started learning to play the banjo at age 14, when I had several issues going on. When my parents bought me a banjo for Christmas I was elated and it was a gift that I used to change my life. That Christmas afternoon I got out my favorite Ralph Stanley album, Down Where the River Bends, put on my fingerpicks (backwards, I didn't know that in clawhammer you didn't use picks, and I thought I should make my picking hand look like a claw, so it was logical for me to put the picks on backwards) and sat down at the record player and started trying to learn. Later I got some lessons from Emily Spencer and began making some progress.
Playing the banjo is great because it's something you can always do, and it's something nobody can ever take away from you. You can play the banjo when you are young, old, kinda sick, and when it is raining outside and you can't do anything else and you don't want to wash dishes! I feel God led me to play the banjo and it has helped make me who I am today. I have made so many good friends through music. I am truly thankful for it.
More later...Mountain Banjer Girl
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