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Callaghan - Posted - 04/07/2016: 16:47:43
I saw someone recently who had decorated the head of his banjo via mod-podging an image onto it. I have been looking around to decorating a new Fiberskyn head and was wondering if any of you have mod-podged or decorated at all with your banjo head. Thanks
Cyndy - Posted - 04/07/2016: 17:51:51
Originally posted by Callaghan
... or decorated at all with your banjo head.
I had a friend create some vinyl lettering for me--in mirror image because I applied it to the back of a Renaissance head. It worked great and I suspect it would have also worked applied to the front. I believe it would be removable, if I ever wanted to take it off.
ES in BS - Posted - 04/07/2016: 20:09:01
One of the "groups" here on the Hangout is titled "banjo head decoration". Have you perused that? Maybe there is already some info there to address your question.
For what it's worth
Ed Smith
Fathand - Posted - 04/08/2016: 10:29:31
I cannot imagine how something as heavy as Mod Podge would not dampen most of the tone and volume in your banjo. Probably OK if you were going to hang it on the wall to look at.
OldPappy - Posted - 04/08/2016: 12:13:02
I don't know what "Mod Podge" is, but those Fibershyn heads are already too thick for me.
I think adding much of anything to one is bound to dampen it even more than it already is.
Callaghan - Posted - 04/08/2016: 19:39:57
Originally posted by ES in BS
One of the "groups" here on the Hangout is titled "banjo head decoration". Have you perused that? Maybe there is already some info there to address your question.
For what it's worth
Ed Smith
They're'nt as active as you'd think unfortunately...