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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: R.I. P. Mandawuy Yunupingu

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mbanjo - Posted - 06/02/2013:  15:40:38

Mandawuy Yunupingu the lead singer of the Australian band "Yothu Yindi" died at his home in the Northern Territory on 3 June 2013...... Mandawuy suffered from chronic alcoholism, which in turn has contributed to advanced renal failure. He received haemodialysis three times a week in Darwin.......

roxygrl - Posted - 06/03/2013:  11:55:28

A little more Michael? ‘Mandawuy Yunupingu’ lead singer with his Rock band “Yothu Yindi"..This epic “Sunset” dated 1992,,is complete with some very imaginative tribal atmospherics, creating a great dynamic atmosphere, with enjoyable audience participation, I’m sure he was a sad loss for everyone,, Australia’s unique music entertainer…


mbanjo - Posted - 06/04/2013:  16:30:09

Thanks for the live link Roxy..........maybe Mandawuy (formerly Tom Djambayang Bakamana Yunupingu, skin name Gudjuk) is not so well known outside of Australia.......... his passing was a sad day for Australian music and indigenous culture.......... Yunupingu, means rock - rock that stands against time.

Jim Cannon - Posted - 06/04/2013:  20:07:51

I have never heard of him until hearing an article on our National Public Radio regarding his passing.

mike gregory - Posted - 06/05/2013:  17:37:46

Guy sure did an enthusiastic show!

pstroud1 - Posted - 06/06/2013:  13:16:31

Sad :(,,sorry to hear that though I didn't know of him.



dawgdoc - Posted - 06/06/2013:  13:26:28

thanks for sharing, I liked it a lot.  new music to me.

a few months ago, I bought a didgeridoo.  supposedly a pretty nice one.  I figured 'how hard could this be, its just a big tube'.  It's a little trickier than it looks, but is a load of fun.  Pretty darn cool to see one in a rock jam session. 

KE - Posted - 06/06/2013:  13:32:11

Wish I could didgeri like that guy do.  Goes to show -- good music is universal.

I enjoyed that vid a lot and now realize what will be missed by his passing.  RIP

pandjlocke - Posted - 06/06/2013:  13:53:00

I wish I could have seen that show live. I'm sorry for the loss to the world of music.

mbanjo - Posted - 06/06/2013:  16:39:12

Originally posted by dawgdoc

thanks for sharing, I liked it a lot.  new music to me.

a few months ago, I bought a didgeridoo.  supposedly a pretty nice one.  I figured 'how hard could this be, its just a big tube'.  It's a little trickier than it looks, but is a load of fun.  Pretty darn cool to see one in a rock jam session. 

this guy might be able to help you play.......:-) ...

Dingoman25 - Posted - 06/06/2013:  19:12:30

This gent, too, plays a mean didge

mbanjo - Posted - 06/06/2013:  20:04:08

Great that a pre war didgeribone with a tonering? :-)

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