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Please note this is an archived topic, so it is locked and unable to be replied to. You may, however, start a new topic and refer to this topic with a link: http://www.banjohangout.org/archive/234694
OldTimeGal - Posted - 04/26/2012: 10:23:10
I recently decorated my Remo banjo head with dip pen drawing inks (but used a fine hand brush, not a steel nib). There's been natural wear from finger placement, but otherwise so far so good. I see this topic has been briefly previously discussed from the Hangout archives: banjohangout.org/archive/169997. Has anyone else recently tried this, what materials/technique did you use, and have been your long term results?
Edited by - OldTimeGal on 04/26/2012 10:25:19
![]() My Banjo Dragon |
jbalch - Posted - 04/26/2012: 10:35:47
You should consider using a natural hide head as your canvas. Back in the jazz banjo days, lots of folks decorated their skin banjo heads with ink drawings of flappers, school names, signatures, etc.
I'm no artist....
But I traced a simple Celtic Knot on a dyed calfskin head. It was actually drawn on the bottom side using a sharpie pen. The design was visible from the top because this hide was mostly transluscent. I got the idea from a young banjo player I saw busking in New Orleans. She had a very beautiful Celtic knot hand drawn on her head. It looked great. See attached.
Edited by - jbalch on 04/26/2012 10:37:38
![]() |
OldTimeGal - Posted - 04/26/2012: 10:37:11
I see now someone started the same topic just yesterday (banjohangout.org/topic/234636) somehow I missed it, will switch over to that one to avoid duplication. :)
OldTimeGal - Posted - 04/26/2012: 10:40:21
Nice work! I wonder if anyone has compiled an index of banjo decorations, would be a good resource.
randyz714 - Posted - 04/26/2012: 12:00:39
ive done numerous banjo heads...drum heads...etc...using thinned down acrylics. if you look on my homepage photos, you can see a drum head i did a few years ago. its literally been thru the wringer, without a scratch on it. ive found top-frosted remo heads to be the best surface to paint on.
![]() drum head for Pittsburgh based band - thick as thieves, By Randy z |
OldTimeGal - Posted - 04/26/2012: 16:03:11
Awesome! I thought about using acrylics, but am more comfortable with my inks. Yes, the top-frosted remo heads make for a great canvas.
banjotom2 - Posted - 04/27/2012: 06:14:20
I drew a dragon in black and white on a banjo head many years ago...
My bluegrass friends didn't understand...
Folk musicians in general do, however...
You did an excellent job...
Looks fantastic...
OldTimeGal - Posted - 04/27/2012: 07:31:05
Why don't I start a group for this topic, it may be helpful to others. I'll get one set up briefly, but will have to get back to it later.
OldTimeGal - Posted - 04/27/2012: 07:39:49
O.K., I set up a Group to get started at: banjohangout.org/group/banjoheaddecoration
randyz714 - Posted - 04/27/2012: 09:42:25
this is awesome....do you paint also....i mean besides on banjo heads?
OldTimeGal - Posted - 04/27/2012: 17:31:11
Just the one banjo head, the white space was so calling out for something...I'm an odd combination - mainly sculpture, but also do some graphic design & other hodge-podge stuff. Currently working on a children's books and some other projects. Here's my website if you're curious: wowapikagastudio.com/ How about yourself?
randyz714 - Posted - 05/01/2012: 05:39:22
mostly wildlife art....i paint on a variety of surfaces.....mainly in acrylics
tunemakers - Posted - 05/01/2012: 16:31:59
My wife painted mine...I call them banjo tatto's . I agree that it makes the bluegrass banjo people nervous but I like it ....Makes me happy. When I get some time I'll post the pictures for you. She tried some magic markers but it didn't hold up very well. I'm getting around to putting on a new head so I think we'll go for acrylics for the durability factor.....Do art, do it even if it's poor....
OldTimeGal - Posted - 05/06/2012: 21:24:18
I'd love to see. Yes, magic marker tends to fade long term. By adding artwork, you're creating a background flavor for your playing, nothing wrong with that.
OldTimeGal - Posted - 05/16/2012: 09:29:07
I'm consolidating images and technical advice on the "Banjo Head Decoration" Group page. If you have any decorated banjo images you would like to share, please forward the image (photos must be in JPEG format, and less than 5MB in size & adhere to BHO copyright policy) to me at: banjooldtimegal@gmail.com, along with the following information:
I will upload the images into the image category folders.
Thanks for sharing!
Old Time Gal
Edited by - OldTimeGal on 05/16/2012 09:34:11
JedZeppelin - Posted - 05/16/2012: 16:08:10
I ordered a head from Mississippifeller on ebay (a BHO member too). You can select an image from his library, or provide an image yourself. I sent him one, and he prints it (I don't know how) and applies it to the back of a clear head.
Looks great and has no noticeable effect on the timbre of the instrument (although I'm still tweaking the head after re-installing it). That's all I know about the details. But here are the pics.
![]() | ![]() |
DoctorStupid - Posted - 05/26/2012: 18:07:04
I'm new member but I've been reading on the forum for awhile. I got some good ideas from this post but for ease and saving time I just used a vinyl stick for now and it worked great. No noticeable sound difference either. I like it a lot.
Edited by - DoctorStupid on 05/26/2012 18:09:07
OldTimeGal - Posted - 05/28/2012: 19:27:33
Cool! It's so much fun to see everyone's work. Here's my latest attempt, just finished today, I think it came out o.k., I put the details in the banjo decoration Group. Send me an image of yours and I'll add it to the Group's collection, instructions are on the Banjo Decoration Group page. - Old Time Gal
![]() Banjo Decoration |
wfawley - Posted - 05/28/2012: 23:21:25
I was after the Mrs to do a Sepia pen and ink head for a long time. Here's the first one she did on an old Rogers head.
![]() |
Helix - Posted - 05/29/2012: 04:57:31
Thank you for taking this seriously, with skill and without the politics of earlier attempts.
My favorite would be a repro of a painting of the Falls of the Missouri River. I'm a big fan of John Colter.
specs - Posted - 05/29/2012: 06:29:08
I printed out what I wanted on some paper, taped it to the back of the head, then traced it and colored it in with sharpies. I'm no artist, so I stuck to something easy. Plus, as you can see, the kid loves it. Its held up a few years now decently enough, definitely going to want to do something on my next banjo.
![]() |
OldTimeGal - Posted - 05/29/2012: 14:01:35
They are all wonderful and fun, the images really add personality to the instrument:-)
OldTimeGal - Posted - 05/31/2012: 09:21:27
Everyone on this thread with banjo illustrations, can I have permission to add your images to the "Banjo Head Decoration" Group Forum image collection folders? I think I can add directly, but need permission (plus any process details would be nice:-)
1901 Fairbanks - Posted - 06/01/2012: 14:37:25
About ten or so years ago, my friend, Fred Sisson asked me to add some artwork to the head of his marvelous old Tubaphone. I had a lot of reluctance to fooling with such a beautiful banjo, but he insisted. Fred competes in vintage auto racing in a Morgan 3-wheel car from the 30's, and that became the theme of the drawing. I have tried to create a "pearl inlay" that works with the fretboard inlays.
I used Testor's silver enamel, pink/green/blue colored pencils, pearl nail polish, and black india ink. It was overcoated with a light dusting of Testor's "Dullcoat" (clear, flat lacquer).
The photos were taken today (06/01/12), so it's held up quite well. There was no noticeable change in the "voice" of the instrument.
Edited by - 1901 Fairbanks on 06/01/2012 14:45:52
![]() Fred's Vega | ![]() Head art for a Tubaphone |
BanjoKat2 - Posted - 06/01/2012: 22:05:02
What a treat finding this forum. Woohoo!
Read each & every one of your posts. Love the artwork, what a wide variety, and the explanations of the art and who did it and how. Dying to decorate my banjo head.
Is it better to decorate the front or better to decorate the back and let it show through?
darryl k. - Posted - 06/02/2012: 17:12:59
Funny, but we talked about this at our last gig. I'm thinking of getting an artist to paint a tire track across the head ( like the banjo has been run over). We do a lot of joking when we play. Could get a lot of mileage out of that.
OldTimeGal - Posted - 06/03/2012: 22:29:01
Wonderfull! It depends on what kind of head is on your banjo. Many have had success with putting vinyl, etc. behind the head and letting it show through, and you don't have to worry about it wearing off. Many have had good luck putting the illustration on top as well. If you go to the Banjo Head Decoration Group blog page (banjohangout.org/group/banjoheaddecoration), over in the right-hand column are some older related threads listed. They will give you some more ideas and feedback from other members.
Originally posted by BanjoKat2What a treat finding this forum. Woohoo!
Read each & every one of your posts. Love the artwork, what a wide variety, and the explanations of the art and who did it and how. Dying to decorate my banjo head.
Is it better to decorate the front or better to decorate the back and let it show through?
Edited by - OldTimeGal on 06/03/2012 22:32:27
OldTimeGal - Posted - 06/03/2012: 22:35:07
Originally posted by darryl k.Funny, but we talked about this at our last gig. I'm thinking of getting an artist to paint a tire track across the head ( like the banjo has been run over). We do a lot of joking when we play. Could get a lot of mileage out of that.
jbalch - Posted - 07/09/2012: 18:32:29
Here is an interesting one on ebaY.
OldTimeGal - Posted - 07/12/2012: 12:06:41
Here's another - it has a nice gecko illustration:
Ron44 - Posted - 07/12/2012: 12:12:30
I'm wanting to find an artist to put the Man in the moon symbol and the sun symbol as seen on a ouija board
on my banjo head with them seperated across the space kinda staring at each other.
StraitsBlueGal - Posted - 07/12/2012: 12:33:31
I love this thread! Such great ideas, and OldTimeTal, your work is beautiful. Love that dragon!
OldTimeGal - Posted - 07/14/2012: 21:18:18
Thanks, StraitsBlueGal - there are many great ideas here, no limit to the imagination:-). I love that octopus, beautiful blend to the banjo.
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