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Dec 18, 2022 - 8:17:43 PM
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6968 posts since 10/3/2003

Dec 19, 2022 - 6:26:01 AM
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11 posts since 3/22/2022

Thank you Jim, you are an inspiration!

Dec 19, 2022 - 9:08:26 AM
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Players Union Member



666 posts since 3/5/2009

Wonderful. Thanks Jim.

Dec 19, 2022 - 4:35:58 PM

1980 posts since 11/10/2022

Hi Jim,

As a beginner I am getting decent speed but cant improv worth crap. I can play songs but I see videos of people like yourself demonstrating banjos and just playing off the cuff. Is there a video for improving like improv solos?

Dec 19, 2022 - 5:19:05 PM
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6968 posts since 10/3/2003

Originally posted by NotABanjoYoda

Is there a video for improving like improv solos?

I don't have anything like that.  I talk about that sort of thing a lot in my live streams, but it comes down to this: if you want to be better at improvising you've got to start improvising.  I can't show you how to improvise a solo, because in doing so I've shown you a solo and you're just doing what I'm doing.

Take the things I teach in my series here and start trying to apply them to other songs you can already sing or hum.  Will it be awesome?  Nope... but the more you do it, the better it'll get.

Dec 19, 2022 - 7:58:02 PM

1980 posts since 11/10/2022

Originally posted by Jim Pankey
Originally posted by NotABanjoYoda

Is there a video for improving like improv solos?

I don't have anything like that.  I talk about that sort of thing a lot in my live streams, but it comes down to this: if you want to be better at improvising you've got to start improvising.  I can't show you how to improvise a solo, because in doing so I've shown you a solo and you're just doing what I'm doing.

Take the things I teach in my series here and start trying to apply them to other songs you can already sing or hum.  Will it be awesome?  Nope... but the more you do it, the better it'll get.

I get what your saying.  Let me bemore specific.  Im a good guitar player and have no problems on guitar improving and playing whatever one can hum.

I can also do that guitar style licks on a banjo, So i could play plectrum..   But when i try to surround the melodies in my head with banjo rolls, the melodies sound slow and I havent found the secret sauce to change rolls up.  Is there a good set of rolls that lends itself to surrounding your melody notes.  I know sometimes its fine to solo like a guitar player would, but Im trying to not do that for now.

But Ill keep working at it so it will eventually not suck.

On the other hand, learning the banjo has greatly improved my chet atkins style!

Dec 20, 2022 - 8:41:17 PM

6968 posts since 10/3/2003

Originally posted by NotABanjoYoda

I havent found the secret sauce to change rolls up.  Is there a good set of rolls that lends itself to surrounding your melody notes.  

There's really no secret or set of rolls that you'll use.  You just have to start trying different things. 

That said you can get a lot done with cripple creek slides/rolls and foggy mountain breakdown rolls/hammers. 

Dec 20, 2022 - 10:17:27 PM
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1980 posts since 11/10/2022

Originally posted by Jim Pankey
Originally posted by NotABanjoYoda

I havent found the secret sauce to change rolls up.  Is there a good set of rolls that lends itself to surrounding your melody notes.  

There's really no secret or set of rolls that you'll use.  You just have to start trying different things. 

That said you can get a lot done with cripple creek slides/rolls and foggy mountain breakdown rolls/hammers. 

Thanks Jim,

Im learning your version of Foggy Mountain now.  I just today found My Grandfathers clock.  I have looked at 6 different versions.  I know you also have a video on it but havent made it there yet.  This melody tabbed in scruggs style in multiple ways is the answer, for me.  It is a melody of notes wrapped in different ways which allow for different speeds.

I think to my ear banjo requires different rolls.  I was taught the melody roll, the double melody roll and whatever 52152121 or 53153131 is called to play melodies.  They work but sound not right if one is used for most of the song. 

Again, thanks.  I only keep replying because I think this is a major hurdle to get over for us long term guitar players.  New banjo players kinda just accept and learn new songs, as a long term guitarist, I wanna get to the end to speak.  But it did take me years to become a good guitar improv soloist.

May 17, 2023 - 6:41:15 AM
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27 posts since 4/29/2023

Jim, I’ve been going through your Beginning Bluegrass videos from around 5 years ago. You have helped me so much! I can’t wait to watch these other videos.
Do you give private lessons? (I’m near Asheville.)

May 17, 2023 - 7:16:48 AM
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151 posts since 6/6/2015

Jim's videos are a great help to all that want to learn, and he seems to be a great guy to boot.

Thanks for all you do Jim.

Nov 29, 2023 - 9:33:35 PM
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32 posts since 11/29/2023

I'm just starting out and found these in a search! Will be giving this some attention and hopefully learning my first tune.

Jan 1, 2024 - 8:48:41 PM
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259 posts since 2/20/2004

I just hope Jim is a YouTube millionaire!
I’ve learned a ton from him. Mostly how to learn.

Jan 2, 2024 - 4:17:49 AM
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6349 posts since 10/6/2004

Always a pleasure watching your vids Jim - [even though i am no longer a beginner] - I LOVED the 'Hanging Tree how to' posted a while back - pure inspiration and no, i cant play it as well as you despite trying really hard.....

Jan 30, 2024 - 7:09:11 AM
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2 posts since 1/30/2024

hello all

new member here and hopefully a Banjo player one day ! saw Jims youtube videos and they inspired me enough to buy a 5 string . only started Friday so very early days .

but thanks Jim Pankey another week or two and i should be on lesson two lol

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