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Nov 1, 2009 - 11:31:27 AM

78 posts since 1/10/2009

Anybody out there listening?

Nov 1, 2009 - 12:27:22 PM

457 posts since 12/26/2008


Life is hard. Being stupid makes it harder--John Wayne

Nov 2, 2009 - 9:52:55 AM

361 posts since 11/7/2008

Thanks guys. I really don't know what a "sticky" is, even though I have looked at a definition or two.

Nov 2, 2009 - 12:33:31 PM

78 posts since 1/10/2009


First-thanks for the lessons. A sticky is a thread that stays forever at the top. It does not fade to the later pages.

Nov 3, 2009 - 3:23:28 PM

233 posts since 5/28/2007

Bob.Just want to thank you for you're time and effort. you are what the Hang Out are all about, sharing you're knowledge just becaues you can. Thanks again. Dave


Nov 4, 2009 - 5:32:18 PM



2270 posts since 1/26/2003

Originally posted by inspector710

Can we make this a sticky??

I think it should be as well! Thank you for the hard work.

"What kind of man would live in a world where there is no daring? I don't believe in taking foolish chances, but nothing can be accomplished without taking any chance at all." -- Charles Lindberg

Edited by - Poppy on 11/15/2009 19:18:18

Nov 5, 2009 - 11:46:41 PM

361 posts since 11/7/2008

Well, I know what a sticky is now. You are certainly welcome for the lessons. I hope they help someone. I really feel kind of awkward now, because I haven't practiced banjo for years, and really don't have too much on the ball anymore with the 5 string. I do have some more lessons that I think are valuable, and I will post them soon.

Nov 6, 2009 - 5:49:10 AM



249 posts since 2/3/2006

Very good Rob! How about that goodtime!

Nov 6, 2009 - 1:20:35 PM



107 posts since 11/1/2009

Thanks Rob
Its nice to see what you have done. Its very helpful.

well done sir


'the banjo am the instrument for me'

Nov 6, 2009 - 1:20:59 PM

361 posts since 11/7/2008

I went without a 5 string for a long time. I used to have a Gibson, RB800, but after awhile, I stopped playing 5 string, and focused on guitar, basically, because I has to eat, and music was all I knew how to do.

I didn't have a banjo from 1981, through 1995, and then I did a guitar workshop for a store, and they had a banjo there. I picked it up, and I still knew how to play a bit, so they gave me the banjo as partial payment for another workshop.

That was how I got the Goodtime. I like it. It has a snappy sound. I still can't afford another banjo. LOL

Nov 6, 2009 - 5:54:02 PM

303 posts since 10/28/2009

Saint Rob-I got my new to me banjo-a Maple RB, in beautiful condition-I knew this when I decided to buy-the sad fact of modern Gibson quality control. The fleur de lis appeared to be missing its left lower "leg." Since I am familiar with Gibson factory practice, I assumed that it had not been scraped. It did not even come to my seller's attention, though he is a fine fellow and likes nice banjos. Nope, I got out my micro piece of a Bahco scraper and thinking I could see the outline, I scraped it down. Nope again-some factory slob had broken or dropped the partial and just filled it. I can't buy a new Gibson MOT FDL-I don't think I can let it go. It will likely get a DePaule FDL.

THE REAL PURPOSE-of this post. Thank you so much, Rob. After some 45 years of guitar(and that is still marginal), I had not picked up a banjo-except maybe to admire the wood and art. SO. how in the heck am I going to learn to play this thing?If you checked me out, you know I am more of a tinkerer-don't do tab; can't read music.

Rob-it is almost like jamming with a patient friend-very patient ; yes, patient to the degree of sainthoood(lower case-I'm Presby, but my daughter was all Catholic educated-her Methodist Mother's choice too)-thus I am sensitive to throwing sainthood around. However, you may get close to qualifying.Warmest regards, Ol'Lefty

"Don't pick it; it'll never heal"--with apologies, that always makes me grin.......... "I'm not crazy, I'm colorful." Struther Martin, "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid"

Nov 7, 2009 - 4:40:25 PM

361 posts since 11/7/2008

Ol' Lefty,

I'm Missouri Synod Lutheran, so I will take the title saint with no compunction, since I know it has nothing to do with me, but Who I believe in.

As for patience, I just turn on the camera, and do the same thing I would do with a live student. I know how long it takes for a student to learn this stuff properly, and internalize it.

The real patience comes from the better players, who wade through the slow motion portions, trying to pick up a different note or two. I know that is hard, and I appreciate the patience those folks have had, by not complaining about the slower pace, as some have done in my guitar videos.

As has been said, it's good to put the cookies on the bottom shelf, where the kiddies can get to them. This goes for the Gospel, and the banjo. LOL.

Nov 7, 2009 - 7:50:17 PM



2457 posts since 9/30/2004

Rob..this is a wonderful thing you are doing with the lessons..with the sound you get from a reletavely inexpensive open back..I could only imagine what you would sound like on a great old flathead..

Nov 7, 2009 - 9:35:29 PM

361 posts since 11/7/2008

The head is cranked pretty good on the little Good Time, and I have it set up pretty well too. I used to play 6 String on a steamboat, and do a little act. Every day, some wise guy would say, "Do they know that you really can't play banjo?" I would try to explain that I had actually played 5 string, but they would roll their eyes.

I got so tired of this, that when I did a seminar as a Deering endorser at a music store, I had the store make partial payment by giving me a Good Time. I threw the thing in the sea chest, and when I started getting requests for 5 string tunes, I'd go to the back of the ship and open up the sea chest, pull out the Good Time, and shut their pie holes with a little Sally Goodin'.

I would leave the thing in there all summer, and the crew would also toss their lunch in there, so if you look closely, you'll see coleslaw stains on the head. I didn't even use a case for the thing. I used to use my ukuleles as fly swatters, or to bat peanuts into the air so I could catch them in my mouth. I was rough on all of my instruments, and don't deserve a good one, because I would trash it.

Besides the maple shell, and the good set up, the AKG414UBLS is an excellent mic, and I also have it running through an Avalon VT737SP pre amp. That helps a bit too.

Nov 10, 2009 - 7:28:43 AM



1329 posts since 3/20/2007

Isn’t there a thing called the Foggy Mtn Breakdown lick? With alternating fingers on the two first hammer-ons?

My banjo is pre-war. Pre the next war
Jan Erik from Norway

Nov 10, 2009 - 9:22:27 AM

361 posts since 11/7/2008

Yes. First you use your index, and then on the second hammer, you use your thumb. Some people do it differently. I use my thumb for both at the kick off, just to get a bit more volume, but I don't double up on the 1st string. On the second pass, I use the earlier mentioned index, thumb economy.

Nov 13, 2009 - 1:06:46 PM



31 posts since 8/6/2008

Thank you, to whomever made this a "Sticky"!

And once again, thank you Rob, you're a tremendous help.

Nov 13, 2009 - 8:17:09 PM



271 posts since 8/6/2005

thank you to whoever explained what a "sticky" is. I always thought it was a "kind of controversial subject, pending a locked thread"- you can see where I would think this. "sticky subject"?

Nov 17, 2009 - 7:22:11 PM

361 posts since 11/7/2008

Thank you.

Nov 22, 2009 - 10:39:01 AM



1966 posts since 11/28/2003

Thanks, Rob.
I have tried Foggy Mtn Breakdown from tab . . . Not very successful.
But, using your videos and learning (really learning) in small bites has helped a lot.

I'll be watching for your next series.
Best wishes


Nov 23, 2009 - 1:58:50 PM



207 posts since 12/21/2008

Hey Rob,been learning nearly a year now, I learned the JD version of FMB from her book,with a few variations my teacher threw in,but it still didn't sound to me as the 'real' FMB does, your version sounds just right (at least when you play it) I'm enjoying your video's,and hopefully will have it somewhat good by christmas.

Edited by - dubtom on 11/23/2009 14:44:28

Nov 24, 2009 - 6:36:55 AM

476 posts since 1/24/2005

Does anyone know of any good resources / tips on learning the high break? I've tried learning it from the TAB and for some reason have always just really struggled with it.

Nov 24, 2009 - 7:35:03 AM

49 posts since 3/28/2008

Just wanted to says Thanks for posting this info.....

Edited by - Banjo Skid on 11/24/2009 07:35:55

Nov 26, 2009 - 1:06:53 AM

27 posts since 9/7/2009

Thanks Rob, I am able to play almost all of Cripple Creek from your youtube lesson. As mentioned you are very patient. Now moving into Foggy Mountain.

Nov 26, 2009 - 8:21:43 AM



207 posts since 12/21/2008

Can Rob or someone who has video 15 down clarify something for me.I've watched it a dozen times but it has me stumped.
The section were I'm doing the roll with the 2-4 slide,is that on the 3rd or fourth string. I sounds like the fourth,but the note after sounds like the fourth too, so it would be if I'm correct,3153(2-3 sl) 134(2-4 sl) 4. Hope someone can help.

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