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Nov 10, 2021 - 6:35:58 AM

215 posts since 10/5/2019

Originally posted by Timothy Lindblom

There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to play loudly and comfortably without being tense. My suggestions would be make sure your right hand position is good. Avoid fingers on the bridge and don't let your wrist come in contact with the head above the bridge. Also make sure your shoulder is relaxed. Sometimes playing fast or loud can cause your shoulder to rise causing tension. Stop and lower your shoulder so it’s totally relaxed. Hopefully this helps some! 

Nov 16, 2021 - 3:53:31 PM

3 posts since 11/16/2021

This is the reason I've signed up to this site. I'm horribly worried I've injured my anchor fingers. I'm (perhaps foolishly) self-taught. I'm going to take a week-long break and generally play softer which stinks because I like singing loud. The ache is going right up my arm and I'm picking at way below my familiar precision. I'm going to see my primary care doc. This stinks.

Nov 19, 2021 - 7:37:28 AM

3 posts since 11/16/2021

Originally posted by Steamshovel

This is the reason I've signed up to this site. I'm horribly worried I've injured my anchor fingers. I'm (perhaps foolishly) self-taught. I'm going to take a week-long break and generally play softer which stinks because I like singing loud. The ache is going right up my arm and I'm picking at way below my familiar precision. I'm going to see my primary care doc. This stinks.

Nov 19, 2021 - 7:39:06 AM

3 posts since 11/16/2021

I found my problem. The head is so old and worn it's become slippery where the anchor fingers go. Valuable lesson for me.

Nov 16, 2022 - 5:26:42 PM

445 posts since 2/23/2019

Originally posted by peghead59

I seem to be tensioning up a bit when I am trying to play at a faster rate or even if I'm trying to play a new tune accurately. The tension is in both hands and my left forearm. This sometimes results in getting the shakes.

What practice tips have you got to get me out of this.

Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet but "The Alexander Technique" is a great mind-body framework/acumen that seeks to reduce excess tension in practitioners' bodies, excellent for any performing arts people. Would recommend finding a teacher in your area or online. 

Jul 11, 2023 - 1:09:19 PM



3 posts since 7/6/2023

As a newb I appreciate this question, and the tips offered. For me, more of an issue is remembering to Breathe ??

Aug 26, 2023 - 6:39:04 PM



5 posts since 8/26/2023

Sometimes it's just mental, not physical. I use a metronome and play it way slower than I need to, gradually boosting BPM. When I start to feel tension I try to locate where the tension is coming from. Often my shoulders are tensing up because it's a challenging speed or passage in the tune. When I actively let go of tension in my shoulders it relieves tension in my hands.

Oh, and remember to breathe. Sounds silly but it happens.

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