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Originally posted by pianojuggler
I’d say that the second unsolicited bit of advice I’d give a newbie is: buy a stand.
The advice I'd give is don't buy a stand especially a cheap guitar stand. I read to many horror stories of broken banjo necks from using stands. As one repaier said on here "Those things are great for my business " I imagine there are banjo stands that can cope with the low centre of gravity.
My deepest apologies. I was looking through the forum after a long day and my benumbed little brain failed to realize this was a pinned post that started over a decade ago.
Nevertheless, there are a couple things in my wish list that I do wish there were ready answers for. I was looking on the web for an illustrated glossary of all banjo parts, and couldn't find one that was really complete.
Again, sorry for breathing life back into an old thread.
Originally posted by GrahamHawkerquote:
Originally posted by pianojuggler
I’d say that the second unsolicited bit of advice I’d give a newbie is: buy a stand.The advice I'd give is don't buy a stand especially a cheap guitar stand. I read to many horror stories of broken banjo necks from using stands. As one repaier said on here "Those things are great for my business " I imagine there are banjo stands that can cope with the low centre of gravity.
Good to know. I have both of mine set with the upper fork as low as it can go. That's about the 9th fret.
Would love to see some posts dedicated to clawhammer techniques employed to hit all those melody notes, especially on fiddle or highly melodic tunes. Hammer ons, pull offs, drop thumb, phantom hammers, what other tricks, tips, whirly gizmos, etc., can be used as the bum ditty goes on and on in perpetual motion?
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