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Jine the Cavalry/Alabama

Posted by MWBailey


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- Play count: 324

Size: 3,381kb, uploaded 8/3/2008 8:28:46 PM
Genre: Unknown/None Chosen / Playing Style: Clawhammer and Old-Time

Old Civil War-Era tune. As far as I know, it was always a banjo tune, but I could be mistaken. Whether titled "Alabama" or "Jine the Cavalry", it has always to the best of my knowledge and info been a CSA-patriotic tune; as as the fore, it was a tune predicting a union defeat in alabama, and as the latter, it is a recruitment ditty for the confederate cavalry (I have also heard it said that it was also used as a Union or later a latter-day USC recruitment device; I do not know whethe rthat is true or not, but i suppose it could be). Also, this could be taken as an example of how one song can be turned into anotherwhile staying basically the same notewise; in this case, a patriotic tune into a military recruitiung tune. Played on the tackhead, fretless, homemade Minstrel banjo, key of D, in dADF#A tuning, with regular-tension nylon classical Guitar strings (I'm too stingy to order nylagut or whatever it's called, lol).

2 comments on “Jine the Cavalry/Alabama”

Don Borchelt Says:
Tuesday, August 5, 2008 @5:35:53 PM

Nice job, Mark.  Great old time picking.  Makes me want to run right out and sign up.  Oh, wait...  I'm a yankee.

MWBailey Says:
Tuesday, August 5, 2008 @6:41:39 PM

Well, I think the US Cav. used it as well after the civil war... at any rate, I saw a slideshow of US Cavalry Recruitment posters on Youtube back when I was still able to make it work with this machine, and it was scored with this tune (not sure who performed it).

Seriously, thanks for the kind words!


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