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The Christmas Song

Posted by arfive


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- Play count: 381

Size: 3,319kb, uploaded 12/20/2007 1:40:11 PM
Genre: Unknown/None Chosen / Playing Style: Other

My favorite Christmas song!

4 comments on “The Christmas Song”

NMD Says:
Friday, December 21, 2007 @8:51:31 AM

Hi Amy!  Another great post!  Fine arrangement, well played . . .  and sung!  I also like the tone - with the touch of reverb. What's your recording set up?

Sambo Says:
Friday, December 21, 2007 @9:37:48 AM

This has always been my favourite Christmas song...Thank you so much AMy, and what a fine job on the banjo and the vocals!

arfive Says:
Friday, December 21, 2007 @5:18:29 PM

Thanks for the very nice comments! The recording setup for the banjo is a ElectroVoice PL11 mic plugged into a Line6 soundcard, recorded dry. The vocal is the same setup except I had a preamp selected. The guitar is a 1959 Gibson ES-125 plugged directly into the soundcard. The recording software is FruityLoops. I added the effects after recording in the mixer within FruityLoops. The effects are reverb and the guitar and vocals also have compression. The guitar part got a little messed up but I really like the way the banjo sounds. The drums are real audio clips of brushes not performed by me. Everything else I did. I've only been using FruityLoop for a couple of months now and I've learned alot. It has tons of features, I highly recommend it. And you can try it for free.

salvatone Says:
Wednesday, December 26, 2007 @2:13:07 PM

Especially like the way you phrase "They know that Santa Claus is on his way."  Thanks.

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