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Fly, Fly... Fly

Written/Posted by VancePants


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- Play count: 122

Size: 4,631kb, uploaded 7/18/2015 10:30:44 AM
Genre: Unknown/None Chosen / Playing Style: Clawhammer and Old-Time

Just a tune composed whist on yon back-porch... influenced by the (at times) raucous starlings. Played using 2-finger, thumb-lead. except for the 3-finger chord pinches.

11 comments on “Fly, Fly... Fly”

rickhayes Says:
Saturday, July 18, 2015 @1:30:29 PM

Good original. Enjoyed it.

VancePants Says:
Saturday, July 18, 2015 @1:42:31 PM

Well... if'n it ain't "Mr. Original" his-own-self! Thanks Sir Rick... and ain't ya overdue fer a tune... or are ya workin' on a sound-track or somethin'?

rickhayes Says:
Saturday, July 18, 2015 @2:57:21 PM

Got a bunch of fragments waiting to be turned into tunes. Haven't even touched the banjo lately. Just had my nephew from Kansas, his wife, and their four little tornadoes staying with us for the last two plus weeks so it's been too hectic to even think of tunes. Maybe I'll find some time next week.

BanjoFlyboy Says:
Saturday, July 18, 2015 @4:13:17 PM

Doc, I've done a fair amount of flying, and that was certainly airworthy!

VancePants Says:
Saturday, July 18, 2015 @5:05:40 PM

Um... nice try Rick, but yer priorities should be: banjer, banjer... food... mo' banjer... sleep... family... other sundry activities... repeat!
Talk about IRONIC, it be The FlyBoy his-own-self! Well Danno'... i can only imagine all the air-miles you've logged... and perhaps, along with those pesky starlings, your adventures inspired me!
Off we go, into the Wild Blue Yonder.... woohoo!

ccress Says:
Sunday, July 19, 2015 @8:49:23 AM

Sounded great Ken!! Good job!!

Debs Says:
Sunday, July 19, 2015 @2:27:24 PM

For a tune composed 'on the fly', it's brilliant! ;)

VancePants Says:
Sunday, July 19, 2015 @3:42:15 PM

Much obliged Cathy... .
Debs... yer killin' me... death by 1000 pun-jabs!
Oh well... guess this ol' flight is cleared fer take-off... Aim High ya'll!

guitarman8491 Says:
Sunday, July 19, 2015 @4:35:39 PM

When is the CD being released...sound great!

JanetB Says:
Monday, July 20, 2015 @9:11:34 AM

Flights of brilliance.

VancePants Says:
Monday, July 20, 2015 @9:23:49 AM

Doug... you'll be da first t' know sir! (Perhaps in my dreams...?) Janet... thinkin' more like: "flight o' fancy"! I really do appreciate the kind words... never know how these little musings will fare.

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