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Elk River Blues

Posted by JanetB


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- Play count: 1136

Size: 1,771kb, uploaded 7/10/2015 11:44:19 AM
Genre: Old Time / Playing Style: Clawhammer and Old-Time

For the old-time Tune of the Week, 7/10/15. The sad story of this tune fits the somber, slower pace presented by greenbrooms (Kevin) in the TOTW discussion. I'm reminded of a version of Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie, as played by Todd Phillips and friends, which I've sandwiched in-between Elk River Blues. Both have a melancholy theme. If you haven't looked and listened to the TOTW, here's a link:

10 comments on “Elk River Blues”

Denton Says:
Saturday, July 11, 2015 @4:13:54 AM

Nicely played Janet.
The Elk river starts and stops in West Virginia. It is clean and has great fishing. As the Elk flows past Sutton WV there is a bed and breakfast called Cafe Cimino.
I spent my 60th b-day there with my wife and had around 9 friends from the area for a fantastic dinner; music and social time.
No blues there at all.

Denton Says:
Saturday, July 11, 2015 @4:37:26 AM

I was mistaken about the blues on the Elk River. Cafe Cimino hosted the WV Blues Society awards a coupe of years ago.

banjoike Says:
Saturday, July 11, 2015 @8:30:25 AM

Very lovely Janet. Brings a tear to my eye....

JanetB Says:
Saturday, July 11, 2015 @9:03:54 AM

Thanks, Denton and Ike! That's interesting about the current on-goings at the Elk River. The past gets mostly forgotten, except for in tunes like this, and we move on, like the river. So Denton, any thoughts of retiring? Or will you become the "Old River Man?"

Denton Says:
Saturday, July 11, 2015 @9:15:44 AM

I'm not old enough to retire. 2-3 more years to qualify for medicare. Then I still like what I do so maybe semi retirement. We are buying our retirement house right now.

JanetB Says:
Saturday, July 11, 2015 @9:33:44 AM

I hear you, Denton. My early retirement is with the stipulation that I voluntarily work to cover my medical insurance until I qualify for medicare. I also like what I did in the class and will continue some of it, along with helping in my grandson's home school studies. Congrads on purchasing a home for retirement. I imagine it's close to a river....but not where it would flood. Or perhaps the mountains....

VancePants Says:
Saturday, July 11, 2015 @12:07:59 PM

Played with sensitivity Janet... very nice!

guitarman8491 Says:
Saturday, July 11, 2015 @12:14:43 PM

Janet wonderful tune played with such feeling...lovely!

JanetB Says:
Sunday, July 12, 2015 @8:04:22 AM

Thanks, gentlemen. Playing sorrowful music is actually soothing, isn't it.

rickhayes Says:
Sunday, July 12, 2015 @4:41:26 PM

That is surely a melancholic tune, and nicely played.

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