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Robert E. Lee

Posted by turbocoupe2-3


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- Play count: 344

Size: 3,502kb, uploaded 8/23/2014 8:47:37 AM
Genre: Old Time / Playing Style: 4-String (Tenor/Plectrum)

Dan Eaves Plectrum Banjo and Chuck Morrill Piano 1983

8 comments on “Robert E. Lee”

JanetB Says:
Saturday, August 23, 2014 @11:34:00 AM

You haven't lost a beat after 25 years!

turbocoupe2-3 Says:
Saturday, August 23, 2014 @2:13:15 PM

Well Janet I appreciate that and wish I could say that was true....but this was recorded 29 years ago....but I am working on getting it back a little each day...

JanetB Says:
Saturday, August 23, 2014 @2:21:51 PM

I put down my serious clawhammer at age 24 when I married, but stepped right back into it 25 years later when I divorced. It's been 11 years now with a supportive new husband to encourage me. I tell you this to encourage you. Take a listen to my post today between yours on the Media Archive--MacPherson's Rant. See if there's hope for us oldies!

turbocoupe2-3 Says:
Saturday, August 23, 2014 @3:10:26 PM

Thanks much Janet....yeah I put down the Plectrum shortly after my first son was born 28 years ago...and appreciate the encouragement.... I love to play...and had forgotten just how much until I started again....and great ! yes, there is indeed hope for us oldies LOL.

ldieckow Says:
Sunday, August 24, 2014 @8:42:07 PM

Perry's influence on you is quite evident in this esp on the right hand strokes and some of the chord changes too. I'm sorry time and age have taken away my memory of how you played back then bro, awesome stuff...will listen to the rest soon. Once again a reminder of the amazing fun and players we hooked up w/ over the yrs in our travels to various shows!! those jam sessions in Eureka Springs w/ Ep Roller and Al Vunovich and Pauly from lax, Charlie K, and J huntsberger...and Steven B and Gil his tuba player....we were truly blessed to connect w/ some of the best and ATL and orlando and all the figa shows were amazing too. I'm happy you've got the fever again and best of luck with the new group. A little fun playing jo with a group is great therapy and if u can get paid, fed or watered, Life is good!!!!

turbocoupe2-3 Says:
Monday, August 25, 2014 @2:44:14 PM

Thanks time I'm sitting out back on your deck with you watch

As we keep reminding blessed we were to have known and played with so many of the greatest of them....left over from an age that our kids can only read about in history... I am still so much in awe of this fact and honored to have sat in the ranks of any of these legends !

guitarman8491 Says:
Monday, August 25, 2014 @5:50:14 PM

Dan you are a very talented plectrum banjoist...enjoyed listening to all of your digitized songs. Thank you for posting them...regards, doug

ldieckow Says:
Monday, August 25, 2014 @8:37:21 PM

Your welcome old buddy! just realized I said Stephen B and not Di, but I'm sure you knew who I meant. Also realized how many other greats I left out of my last post like....Buck Kelly, Al Smith, Scotty Plummer, Frank Vignola(who went on to become IMHO one of the all time great jazz guitarists of our time) and of course Rocky's crazy how the list just goes on and on...can't believe I left out Johnny and Buddy and then of course Lowell and Debby S.....and the really special part is, all the folks I've mentioned are the nicest folks a person could ever meet and as you mentioned had the honor to sit and play with!!!

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