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Cattle in the Cane

Posted by JanetB


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- Play count: 1342

Size: 998kb, uploaded 8/19/2014 6:13:15 AM
Genre: Old Time / Playing Style: Clawhammer and Old-Time

I like the way the modes change in this tune--from minor in the A part to mixolydian in the B part. It was also interesting to play the minor sound out of open G tuning--I had to avoid hitting the second string unless it was fretted.

3 comments on “Cattle in the Cane”

Don Borchelt Says:
Monday, August 25, 2014 @1:52:18 PM

Very fine picking, Janet, and a great setting. I recently learned a closely related tune called Yearlings in the Canebreak. The A parts are almost identical, but where the B part of Cattle goes to mixolydian, the B part of Yearlings goes to major; where the Cattle melody goes from the A to the G chord, Yearlings moves from A to D. Interesting. Again, a great performance.

witty banjo related username Says:
Monday, August 25, 2014 @6:14:40 PM


JanetB Says:
Monday, August 25, 2014 @6:59:41 PM

Thanks Don and Witty. I really enjoy playing this piece, and want to link it to more canebrake tunes. I included links ifor Yearlings in the Canebrake in my Cattle in the Cane thread on Sound Off. I feel sure it came before the Cattle version. When Captain M.J. Bonner recorded Yearlings in the Cane break in 1925 he was in Texas--maybe later they couldn't resist altering the tune in honor of their cattle. Bill Northcutt (1935 - 1992) of Houston, Texas recorded Cattle in the Cane.

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