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Durang's Hornpipe (TOTW)--3-part version

Posted by JanetB


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- Play count: 823

Size: 1,455kb, uploaded 8/7/2014 7:58:07 PM
Genre: Old Time / Playing Style: Clawhammer and Old-Time

For the old-time Tune of the Week, 8-8-14. I learned this from Adam Hurt who learned it from Jarred Nutter, who learned it from Bobby Taylor, who learned it from Clark Kessinger. Adam calls this the "folk process in action." It's the only 3-part Durang's Hornpipe I've heard and Adam plays it with lots more intricate variations.

8 comments on “Durang's Hornpipe (TOTW)--3-part version”

Lew H Says:
Friday, August 8, 2014 @4:41:57 AM

Lovey sounds, Janet!

Don Borchelt Says:
Wednesday, August 27, 2014 @3:50:04 AM

Wonderful picking, well played.

JanetB Says:
Wednesday, August 27, 2014 @6:33:16 AM

Thanks, Lew and Don. I'll be playing this for Adam on Skype in Sept. Why can't I just play him this MP3? ;)

Laurence Diehl Says:
Wednesday, August 27, 2014 @9:47:42 AM

Very, very nice Janet. I used to play with Bobby back in my West Virginia days. Probably my favorite fiddler from back then - great to hear this tune again.

Lew H Says:
Wednesday, August 27, 2014 @10:11:54 AM

Janet, Sorry! That word "lovey" was supposed to be "lovely" I sometimes type dyslectically!

guitarman8491 Says:
Wednesday, August 27, 2014 @10:56:08 AM

Janet so nice..wonderful playing!

JanetB Says:
Wednesday, August 27, 2014 @5:20:50 PM

I'm glad this version is being spread around--it has deep roots. How amazing that Laurence played with one who learned from none other than Clark Kessinger. No wonder your roots run so musically deep, too, Laurence.

JanetB Says:
Wednesday, August 27, 2014 @5:22:13 PM

Lew--teachers only admit their mistakes after retirement, right?

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