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We're Gonna Hunt the Buffalo

Posted by JanetB


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- Play count: 1364

Size: 969kb, uploaded 7/6/2014 11:50:03 AM
Genre: Old Time / Playing Style: Clawhammer and Old-Time

For the old-time Tune of the Week, 7/4/14 from the fiddling of Jimmy Driftwood (1907 - 1998) of Timbo, AR. He said that two of his uncles, half-brothers to his father, were half-Cherokee and lived with them for years. I'm playing in a very unusual tuning of eBGBD

8 comments on “We're Gonna Hunt the Buffalo”

VancePants Says:
Sunday, July 6, 2014 @12:32:44 PM

Lovely Janet... makes me want to put this 'un on the "to do" list.

JanetB Says:
Sunday, July 6, 2014 @12:35:18 PM

Thanks, Ken. When I saw the name Jimmy Driftwood I got a bit excited. I've heard Doc Watson use his name umpteen times when I listened to Tennessee Stud umpteen times. Jimmy was a great fiddler.

VancePants Says:
Sunday, July 6, 2014 @12:55:00 PM

Well Janet... if good ol' Doc spoke fondly of him... 'nuff said:)

Debs Says:
Sunday, July 6, 2014 @1:35:25 PM

Great tune, and of course, such gentle and lovely playing Janet!

rgoad Says:
Sunday, July 6, 2014 @2:49:03 PM

Very nice. Sounds like it could have some Cowboy Poet lyrics to it. It seemed to end early when I listened, too. May be my server.

rickhayes Says:
Sunday, July 6, 2014 @4:07:16 PM

Very nice Janet, and great tone from your banjo. Is that unusual tuning usual for that tune, or did you just try things until you found that was the one that worked.

JanetB Says:
Sunday, July 6, 2014 @4:27:18 PM

Thanks Deb, Rick, and Rick. This is a very unique tuning I just happened to figure out. I heard from the Jimmy Driftwood recording where he said he played it like his uncle (Theodore Morris, who had lived with the Cherokee) in an unusual Em tuning. I re-tuned the 4th string to a B when I couldn't hit the bottom note and then to an E on the 5th string when nothing else sounded harmonious. I ended up playing the B part an octave higher as well because it was in range on the neck (no higher than the 9th fret). All-in-all it has a minor flavor. If you look at Anita Kermode's thorough list of banjo tunings (on ZEPP's website) it's close to the E minor tunings, but not exactly the same. This is the second time I've re-tuned to something unfamiliar just to get the sound I think is needed. Jimmy (real name John Morris) did not know where the tune originated.

guitarman8491 Says:
Sunday, July 6, 2014 @4:45:34 PM

Janet , really nice tune and masterfully played!

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