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Cherry River Line from Clifftop 2012

Posted by Don Borchelt


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- Play count: 1622

Size: 2,192kb, uploaded 9/17/2012 6:08:12 AM
Genre: Old Time / Playing Style: Clawhammer and Old-Time

The last night of Clifftop, Don Couchie and I sat down to pick some tunes with Ralph Roberts, an old time West Virginia fiddler who lives near the festival. Ralph knows a whole bunch of tunes that are old, old, that you rarely or never hear anyone else play. This tune, Cherry River Line, is an example of an old mountain song that has evolved into a fiddle tune. I am playing three finger style banjo, winging it as best I can, and Don is playing rhythm guitar.

4 comments on “Cherry River Line from Clifftop 2012”

JanetB Says:
Monday, September 17, 2012 @6:51:19 AM

Resembles Reuben's Train. A fitting finale for your annual trek to Clifftop. Thanks for sharing, Don!

Couchie Says:
Monday, September 17, 2012 @10:11:02 AM

This was one of my favorite pickin sessions at Clifftop. It was such a great feeling picking tunes and spending time with Ralph and his lovely family.

UncleClawhammer Says:
Monday, December 31, 2012 @6:15:51 AM

Being a resident of the state, it seems strange to me that I hardly know or hear any West Virginia tunes. The relationship to Reuben's Train is unmistakable, but this has a lot of charm on its own. Great picking and fiddling.

abarten Says:
Sunday, February 17, 2013 @3:57:30 PM

Great song. Hadn't heard it before. Thanks

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