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Born to tha Manna' #2

Written/Posted by SidBarone


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- Play count: 101

Size: 2,187kb, uploaded 1/26/2012 11:39:28 PM
Genre: Old Time / Playing Style: Clawhammer and Old-Time

This one's a li'l more developed..

2 comments on “Born to tha Manna' #2”

JanetB Says:
Friday, January 27, 2012 @2:46:08 PM

Well Sid, I found this one (#2) to be the clearest sounding of the three recordings. I like the even tapping sound you make that reminds one of how regular this chore must have been, until the Israelites complained about the monotony of their daily meal. Did you only use one banjo or is this multi-track? What inspired you to write this? Your titles are often discussion pieces themselves.

SidBarone Says:
Friday, January 27, 2012 @4:07:51 PM

Thank's JB!.. like i say, your imagery is always vivid & thought provoking!.. this one's of the solitude one (not unlike Rapunzel) might endure in one's own ivory tower, self imposed or otherwise.. somethin' on tv gave the idea, while the germ of the tune crept forth.. No multi-tracking, just me & my axe..
btw: really diggin' the quality of your mp3's lately.. what r you doing/using to get such fine recordings?.. left a query at your sound-off.. & would love to know when you get a chance!.. :0)

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