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Marmot's Moon

Posted by ScottK


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- Play count: 641

Size: 1,672kb, uploaded 2/20/2007 1:25:13 AM
Genre: Unknown/None Chosen / Playing Style: Clawhammer and Old-Time

Here is a clawhammer tune I wrote. Marmot's Moon is the name of a children's book that my wife wrote and illustrated, but never published.

5 comments on “Marmot's Moon”

haiku Says:
Monday, March 5, 2007 @2:02:20 PM

Like the song!
Did you know that "Marmot" is an actual word in French, meaning "kid" (The english word Marmot is translated "Marmotte"). So, what a lovely title for a children's book!

BAZ Says:
Friday, May 25, 2007 @10:42:57 PM

I think this is one of the prettiest songs I've ever heard! Absolutely loved it!

tfaux Says:
Monday, March 9, 2009 @10:17:54 PM

Really nice.

Debbielee Says:
Friday, June 25, 2010 @7:30:51 AM

I think she definately needs to publish the book and include the music to go with it. (If she hasn't done it already) I've spent the morning on your music page. Trying to learn some new tunes this summer. REALLY enjoying your postings!

Marc Nerenberg Says:
Friday, June 25, 2010 @9:06:35 AM

Really nice...oh tfaux already said that...but it's true!

Here's a thought: shoot some video of the book illustrations...or some of them (depending on how many they are, size etc.)...and put the tune in as the soundtrack. Voila! Clawhammer music video!

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