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Santa Claus

Posted by JanetB


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- Play count: 338

Size: 978kb, uploaded 8/18/2011 5:55:17 AM
Genre: Bluegrass / Playing Style: Clawhammer and Old-Time

This was the first song I figured something out with melodic fingering. Bill Monroe is given credit for writing this, though it's very similar to I Don't Love Nobody.

6 comments on “Santa Claus”

tom elder Says:
Thursday, August 18, 2011 @4:06:05 PM

wish i could touch it that lightly janet,very nice,myself i tend to give a bit of the writer credits to bluegrass boys when it seems obvious,in this case Bill Keith.I don't play this one i do take a stab at "don't love nobody"

jbjo Says:
Friday, August 19, 2011 @7:12:25 PM

Just great Janet! Listening to this I envision an old bluegrass player thinking fondly on all the tunes they've learned and played through life, just going through them in their head at a not too fast pace, just remembering them happily. Maybe that's wierd, but that's what I hear....Monroe was a genius. GREAT playing!

JanetB Says:
Friday, August 19, 2011 @8:24:34 PM

Thanks gentlemen. Tom, I think you're right that Bill Keith's signature is on this version. But he put a LOT more notes in it! I think Monroe was a genius, too. A few years before he died he recorded The Mandolin of Bill Monroe with John Hartford moderating. Wow, was he amazing, astounding, unbelievably talented.

jbjo Says:
Friday, August 19, 2011 @8:47:16 PM

I love the "poor white folks ain't treating me right' tune he did on that.....he still had so much music in him even at a late age....

JanetB Says:
Saturday, August 20, 2011 @8:10:43 AM

James, we share musical heroes, don't we?! Did you read "Can't You Hear Me Callin'?" where Monroe sang a melody to Hartford from his hospital bed at the end of his life and said, "This would be a good one for you, John." I've kept that image in my mind--he was thinking music all his life.

jbjo Says:
Saturday, August 27, 2011 @8:13:51 PM

Unfortunately, haven't read the book...someday....that sure sounds like a Monroe/Hartford story though!

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